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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing I, 2L, N, O, R, S and T

CARILLONISTScarillonists n. Plural of carillonist.
CARILLONIST n. one who plays a carillon, also CARILLONNEUR.
CITRONELLALScitronellals n. Plural of citronellal.
CITRONELLAL n. a colourless aldehyde with a lemon scent, present in citronella and other essential oils.
CITRONELLOLScitronellols n. Plural of citronellol.
CITRONELLOL n. an unsaturated liquid alcohol with a roselike odor, used in perfumery and soaps.
FORESTALLINGforestalling v. Present participle of forestall.
forestalling n. The act of one who forestalls.
FORESTALLING n. the act of forestalling.
GUILLOTINERSguillotiners n. Plural of guillotiner.
GUILLOTINER n. one who guillotines.
ILLUMINATORSilluminators n. Plural of illuminator.
ILLUMINATOR n. one who illuminates.
ILLUSTRATIONillustration n. The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct…
illustration n. The state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
illustration n. Something which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity.
LONGIROSTRALlongirostral adj. (Zoology) Having a long bill.
longirostral adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Longirostres.
LONGIROSTRAL adj. having an elongated beak.
MONGRELLIESTMONGRELLY adj. like a mongrel.
RELATIONLESSrelationless adj. Without relations.
RELATIONLESS adj. without relations.
RITOURNELLESRITOURNELLE n. (French) a short instrumental passage in a vocal work, also RITORNEL, RITORNELL, RITORNELLE, RITORNELLO.
SCINTILLATORscintillator n. (Physics) Any substance that glows under the action of photons or other high-energy particles.
SCINTILLATOR n. an instrument for detecting radioactivity; a phosphor that produces scintillations.
SENATORIALLYsenatorially adv. In a senatorial manner.
SENATORIAL adv. of or pertaining to a senator, also SENATORIAN.
STEAMROLLINGsteamrolling v. Present participle of steamroll.
STEAMROLL v. to crush with a steamroller.
STORYTELLINGstorytelling n. The act and skills of presenting stories and tales.
STORYTELLING n. the craft of telling stories.
TOURBILLIONStourbillions n. Plural of tourbillion.
TOURBILLION n. (French) a whirlwind; any whirling object, also TOURBILLON.
UNWORLDLIESTunworldliest adj. Superlative form of unworldly: most unworldly.
UNWORLDLY adj. not belonging to this world.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 93 words
  • Scrabble in French: 147 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 62 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 91 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 216 words

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