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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing I, L, 2O, R, S and 2T

ASTROLOGISTastrologist n. One who practices astrology; an astrologer.
ASTROLOGIST n. one who affects to tell fortunes from the stars, also ASTROLOGER.
EROTOLOGISTerotologist n. One who studies erotology.
EROTOLOGIST n. a student of erotology.
FRITHSTOOLSfrithstools n. Plural of frithstool.
frith␣stools n. Plural of frith stool.
FRITHSTOOL n. a seat in churches near the altar, to which offenders formerly fled for sanctuary.
METROLOGISTmetrologist n. One who studies or practices metrology.
METROLOGIST n. a student of metrology.
MONOLATRISTmonolatrist n. Monolater.
MONOLATRIST n. one who worships one god only out of many believed to exist, also MONOLATER.
PATROLOGISTpatrologist n. A student of patrology.
PATROLOGIST n. one who practises patrology, the study of early Christianity.
PETROLOGISTpetrologist n. A geologist who specializes in petrology.
PETROLOGIST n. a student of petrology, the geological study of rocks.
POSTILLATORpostillator n. One who postillates; one who expounds the Scriptures verse by verse.
POSTILLATOR n. one who postillates, explains by marginal notes.
POSTORBITALpostorbital adj. Behind the orbit of the eye.
postorbital n. A postorbital bone or scale.
POSTORBITAL adj. situated behind the eye.
PROGLOTTIDSproglottids n. Plural of proglottid.
PROGLOTTID n. a segment of a tapeworm, also PROGLOTTIS.
PROTOCOLISTprotocolist n. One who draws up protocols.
PROTOCOLIST n. a registrar or clerk.
PROTOSTELICprotostelic adj. Of or possessing a protostele.
PROTOSTELIC adj. of or like a protostele.
ROTOTILLERSrototillers n. Plural of rototiller.
ROTOTILLER n. an implement used to rototill.
SITOSTEROLSsitosterols n. Plural of sitosterol.
SITOSTEROL n. any of several sterols widespread in plant products.
TOLERATIONStolerations n. Plural of toleration.
TOLERATION n. the act or practice of tolerating something.
TORTICOLLIStorticollis n. A medical condition in which the neck muscles contract, causing the neck to twist or jerk.
TORTICOLLIS n. a condition in which the neck is permanently twisted and head held at an unusual angle.
TOTALISATORtotalisator n. (UK) the computerised system which runs parimutuel betting, calculating payoff odds, displaying them…
TOTALISATOR n. an automatic betting machine, also TOTALIZATOR.
TRIBOLOGISTtribologist n. A specialist in tribology.
TRIBOLOGIST n. a student of tribology.
TROCTOLITEStroctolites n. Plural of troctolite.
TROCTOLITE n. a coarse-grained basic igneous rock composed of feldspar speckled with olivine, aka troutstone.
TROLLOPIESTTROLLOPY adj. like a trollop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 47 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 101 words

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