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There are 18 ten-letter words containing I, L, N, 2O, P, S and T

INTERLOOPSINTERLOOP v. to loop together.
LAMPOONISTlampoonist n. One who lampoons.
LAMPOONIST n. one who composes lampoons.
LITHOPONESlithopones n. Plural of lithopone.
LITHOPONE n. a white pigment used in paints, consisting of a mixture of zinc sulphide and barium sulphate.
MONOPOLISTmonopolist n. One who has, or attempts to acquire, a monopoly on something.
MONOPOLIST n. a person who monopolizes.
PENOLOGISTpenologist n. A student of, or expert in, penology.
PENOLOGIST n. one versed in, or a student of, penology.
PHLOGISTONphlogiston n. (Chemistry, historical) The hypothetical fiery principle formerly assumed to be a necessary constituent…
PHLOGISTON n. (Greek) the hypothetical principle of fire regarded formerly as a material substance.
PHONOLITESphonolites n. Plural of phonolite.
PHONOLITE n. a fine-grained intermediate igneous rock that rings when struck by a hammer, aka clinkstone.
POLLUTIONSpollutions n. Plural of pollution.
POLLUTION n. making dirty, defilement.
POSITIONALpositional adj. Relating to the position of something.
positional adj. (Economics) Having or pertaining to a value that is a function of its social desirability, as opposed to its utility.
positional adj. (Chess) Based on long-term strategy, on gaining and exploiting small advantages, and on analyzing the…
POSTILIONSpostilions n. Plural of postilion.
POSTILION n. (historical) a person who rides the near horse of those drawing a coach etc. and acts as guide to the whole team, also POSTILLION.
POSTILLIONpostillion n. Alternative spelling of postilion.
POSTILLION n. (historical) a person who rides near horse of those drawing coach etc. and acts as guide to the whole team, also POSTILION.
POTHOLINGSPOTHOLING n. the sport of exploring potholes.
PROLATIONSprolations n. Plural of prolation.
PROLATION n. an utterance; the time-ratio of a semibreve to a minim.
SPOLIATIONspoliation n. (Archaic) The act of plundering or spoiling; robbery.
spoliation n. Robbery or plunder in times of war; especially, the authorized act or practice of plundering neutrals at sea.
spoliation n. (Law) The intentional destruction of or tampering with (a document) in such way as to impair evidentiary effect.
STOOPINGLYstoopingly adv. With a stooping posture.
STOOPING adv. STOOP, to bend the body forward and down.
TOPSOILINGtopsoiling n. The removal of topsoil before an excavation or embankment is begun.
TOPSOILING n. the act of covering with topsoil.
TROPEOLINSTROPEOLIN n. any of a group of dyes of complex structure, also TROPAEOLIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 16 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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