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There are 17 words containing 3I, L, 2R, S and Y

IRREMISSIBLYirremissibly adv. In an irremissible manner; unpardonably.
IRREMISSIBLE adv. unpardonable.
IRRESISTIBLYirresistibly adv. In an irresistible manner.
IRRESISTIBLE adv. impossible to resist.
CORROSIBILITYcorrosibility n. Corrodibility; quality or degree of being subject to corrosion.
CORROSIBILITY n. the quality of being corrosible, also CORRODIBILITY.
IRRELIGIOUSLYirreligiously adv. In an irreligious fashion.
IRRELIGIOUS adv. neglectful of religion.
RESPIRABILITYrespirability n. The quality or state of being respirable.
RESPIRABILITY n. the quality of being respirable.
REVERSIBILITYreversibility n. The property of being reversible.
REVERSIBILITY n. the state of being reversible.
VERISIMILARLYverisimilarly adv. In a verisimilar way; suggesting truthfulness.
VERISIMILAR adv. seeming real or true.
INTERSTERILITYintersterility n. The quality of being intersterile.
INTERSTERILITY n. the state of being intersterile.
IRRESOLUBILITYIRRESOLUBILITY n. the state of being irresoluble.
REPRESSIBILITYrepressibility n. (Uncountable) The condition of being repressible.
repressibility n. (Countable) The extent to which something is repressible.
REPRESSIBILITY n. the state of being repressible.
DISCRETIONARILYdiscretionarily adv. At one’s discretion.
DISCRETIONARY adv. at discretion.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLYimprescriptibly adv. In an imprescriptible manner; obviously.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLE adv. not liable to be lost by prescription; inalienable.
IRREMISSIBILITYirremissibility n. The quality or state of being irremissible.
IRREMISSIBILITY n. the state of being irremissible, unpardonable.
IRRESISTABILITYirresistability n. Alternative form of irresistibility.
IRRESISTIBILITYirresistibility n. The quality of being irresistible.
IRRESISTIBILITY n. the state of being irresistible.
IRRESOLVABILITYirresolvability n. The quality of being irresolvable.
IRRESOLVABILITY n. the quality of being irresolvable.
IRREVERSIBILITYirreversibility n. The quality of being irreversible; the lack of an ability to be reversed.
IRREVERSIBILITY n. the state of being irreversible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 272 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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