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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing 3I, M, P, 2R and T

CIRCUMSCRIPTIONcircumscription n. The act of circumscribing or the quality of being circumscribed.
circumscription n. Anything that circumscribes or a circumscribed area.
circumscription n. (Taxonomy) The definition of what does and does not belong to a given taxon, from a particular taxonomic…
CIRCUMSCRIPTIVEcircumscriptive adj. That circumscribes or outlines.
CIRCUMSCRIPTIVE adj. marking the external form or outline.
HYPERCRITICISMShypercriticisms n. Plural of hypercriticism.
HYPERCRITICISM n. an instance of being hypercritical.
IMPERSCRIPTIBLEIMPERSCRIPTIBLE adj. not supported by written authority.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLEimprescriptible adj. Not subject to prescription: absolute, inalienable.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLE adj. not liable to be lost by prescription; inalienable.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLYimprescriptibly adv. In an imprescriptible manner; obviously.
IMPRESCRIPTIBLE adv. not liable to be lost by prescription; inalienable.
IMPROVISATORIALimprovisatorial adj. Improvisatory.
IMPROVISATORIAL adj. of or like an improvisator.
IMPROVISATRICESimprovisatrices n. Plural of improvisatrice.
improvisatrices n. Plural of improvisatrix.
IMPROVISATRIX n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRICE.
IMPROVISATRIXESIMPROVISATRIX n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRICE.
IMPROVVISATRICEimprovvisatrice n. Alternative form of improvisatrice.
IMPROVVISATRICE n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRIX.
ISOPERIMETRICALisoperimetrical adj. Isoperimetric.
ISOPERIMETRICAL adj. having equal perimeters.
MICROPOROSITIESmicroporosities n. Plural of microporosity.
MICROPOROSITY n. the property of micropores, very small pores.
MISINTERPRETINGmisinterpreting v. Present participle of misinterpret.
MISINTERPRET v. to explain wrongly.
PRESCRIPTIVISMSprescriptivisms n. Plural of prescriptivism.
PRESCRIPTIVISM n. the belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value.
PRIMORDIALITIESprimordialities n. Plural of primordiality.
PRIMORDIALITY n. the state of being primordial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 110 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 162 words

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