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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, M, 2N, 2O and P

COMPAGINATIONcompagination n. (Obsolete) The union of parts; composite structure.
COMPAGINATION n. the act of compaginating.
COMPANIONSHIPcompanionship n. The state of having or being a companion.
companionship n. (Archaic) An association, a fellowship.
companionship n. The state of being a journeyman.
COMPASSIONINGcompassioning v. Present participle of compassion.
compassioning n. An act of bestowing compassion.
COMPASSION v. (archaic) to pity.
IMPERSONATIONimpersonation n. The act of impersonating.
IMPERSONATION n. the act of impersonating.
IMPIGNORATIONimpignoration n. (Obsolete) The act of pawning or pledging; the state of being pawned.
IMPIGNORATION n. the state of being mortgaged.
INCOMPLETIONSincompletions n. Plural of incompletion.
INCOMPLETION n. lack of completeness.
MISCONCEPTIONmisconception n. A mistaken belief, a wrong idea.
MISCONCEPTION n. a false conception.
MONOPSONISTICmonopsonistic adj. Being or pertaining to monopsony.
MONOPSONISTIC adj. relating to monopsony, a market condition with one buyer and many sellers.
MORPHINOMANIAmorphinomania n. (Dated) morphine addiction.
MORPHINOMANIA n. a habitual craving or desire for morphine.
NONDIPLOMATICnondiplomatic adj. Not diplomatic.
NONDIPLOMATIC adj. not diplomatic.
OMNIPOTENCIESomnipotencies n. Plural of omnipotency.
OMNIPOTENCY n. the state of being omnipotent, also OMNIPOTENCE.
PREADMONITIONpreadmonition n. Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
PREADMONITION n. the act of preadmonishing, forewarning.
PREDOMINATIONpredomination n. The act or state of predominating; ascendency; predominance.
PREDOMINATION n. the act of predominating.
PRENOMINATIONprenomination n. The act of prenominating.
prenomination n. The privilege of being named first.
PRENOMINATION n. the act of prenominating, naming in advance.
PRONOMINALISEPRONOMINALISE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALIZE.
PRONOMINALIZEpronominalize v. (Transitive) To give the effect of a pronoun to.
PRONOMINALIZE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALISE.
PYCNOCONIDIUMPYCNOCONIDIUM n. an asexual fungal spore produced in a pycnidium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 19 words

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