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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2I, L, 2O, P, S and U

ACIDOPHILOUSacidophilous adj. That thrives in an acidic environment.
ACIDOPHILOUS adj. staining readily with acid stains.
COMPLICITOUScomplicitous adj. Complicit.
COMPLICITOUS adj. having or showing complicity, that is a party to or involved in wrongdoing, also COMPLICIT.
HELIOPHILOUSheliophilous adj. (Botany) That needs, or tolerates, a high level of direct sunlight.
HELIOPHILOUS adj. attracted by sunlight.
LAPIDICOLOUSlapidicolous adj. (Biology) That lives around or under rocks or stones.
LAPIDICOLOUS adj. living under stones.
LEUCOPOIESISleucopoiesis n. Alternative form of leukopoiesis.
LEUCOPOIESIS n. the formation of leucocytes, also LEUKOPOIESIS.
LEUKOPOIESISleukopoiesis n. A form of hematopoiesis in which white blood cells are formed in bone marrow located in bones in adults…
LEUKOPOIESIS n. the formation of white blood cells, also LEUCOPOIESIS.
LIMNOPHILOUSlimnophilous adj. Loving or having an affinity towards lakes.
LIMNOPHILOUS adj. living in ponds or marshes.
LIPOSUCTIONSliposuctions n. Plural of liposuction.
LIPOSUCTION n. a surgical procedure for the removal of excess, unwanted fat from the body.
LITHOPHILOUSlithophilous adj. (Biology) That lives in stony or rocky environments.
LITHOPHILOUS adj. living among stones.
NITROPHILOUSnitrophilous adj. (Botany, of a plant) Thriving in a habitat rich in nitrogen.
nitrophilous adj. (Ecology, of a habitat) Rich in nitrogen.
NITROPHILOUS adj. of plants, growing in a place where there is a good supply of nitrogen.
OUTPOLITICKSoutpoliticks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outpolitick.
OUTPOLITICK v. to surpass in politicking.
POLIOVIRUSESpolioviruses n. Plural of poliovirus.
POLIOVIRUS n. a virus causing polio.
POSTLIMINOUSpostliminous adj. Occurring afterward.
POSTLIMINOUS adj. being by way of a supplement or appendix, also POSTLIMINIOUS.
PRODIGIOUSLYprodigiously adv. In a prodigious manner; astonishingly, enormously, impressively, or wonderfully.
PRODIGIOUS adv. resembling or befitting a prodigy.
PROLOGUISINGprologuising v. Present participle of prologuise.
PROPITIOUSLYpropitiously adv. In a propitious manner.
PROPITIOUS adv. favorably disposed, benevolent; auspicious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 100 words

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