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There are 19 words containing I, 2N, 3R and S

COTRANSFERRINGcotransferring v. Present participle of cotransfer.
FERRONNIERESFERRONNIERE n. (French) a jewel held on a forehead by a chain, also FERRONIERE.
GERRYMANDERINGSgerrymanderings n. Plural of gerrymandering.
GERRYMANDERING n. the process of redistricting voting boundaries to benefit one group over another.
INSURRECTIONARYinsurrectionary adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by, insurrection.
insurrectionary n. One who takes part in insurrection.
INSURRECTIONARY adj. relating to insurrection.
INTERCURRENCESintercurrences n. Plural of intercurrence.
INTERCURRENCE n. the state of being intercurrent.
INTERCURRENTSintercurrents n. Plural of intercurrent.
INTERCURRENT n. an intervening circumstance or event.
INTRAPRENEURSintrapreneurs n. Plural of intrapreneur.
INTRAPRENEUR n. a company employee who is not bound by rules or policies and who is free to refine products.
KINDERGARTENERSkindergarteners n. Plural of kindergartener.
KINDERGARTENER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTNER.
KINDERGARTNERSkindergartners n. Plural of kindergartner.
KINDERGARTNER n. a teacher at a kindergarten, also KINDERGARTENER.
NONCARRIERSnoncarriers n. Plural of noncarrier.
NONCARRIER n. someone who does not carry (a genetic disease).
RECONNOITERERSreconnoiterers n. Plural of reconnoiterer.
RECONNOITERER n. one who reconnoiters.
RECONNOITRERSreconnoitrers n. Plural of reconnoitrer.
RECONNOITRER n. one who reconnoiters.
RETRANSFERRINGretransferring v. Present participle of retransfer.
RETRANSFER v. to transfer again.
RETRANSFORMINGretransforming v. Present participle of retransform.
RETRANSFORM v. to transform again.
RUMORMONGERINGSRUMORMONGERING n. the spreading of rumours.
SURRENDERINGsurrendering v. Present participle of surrender.
surrendering n. An act of surrender.
SURRENDER v. to yield, give up.
TRANSFERRINtransferrin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoprotein, a beta globulin, in blood serum that combines with and transports iron.
TRANSFERRIN n. a beta globulin in blood plasma capable of combining with ferric ions and transporting iron in the body.
TRANSFERRINGtransferring v. Present participle of transfer.
transferring n. The act by which something is transferred; a transfer.
TRANSFER v. to move from one place to another.
TRANSFERRINStransferrins n. Plural of transferrin.
TRANSFERRIN n. a beta globulin in blood plasma capable of combining with ferric ions and transporting iron in the body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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