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There are 17 words containing I, 3N, O, U and Z

UNCANONIZEuncanonize v. (Transitive) To deprive of canonical authority.
uncanonize v. (Transitive) To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.
UNIONIZINGunionizing v. Present participle of unionize.
UNIONIZE v. to form into a union, also UNIONISE.
UNCANONIZEDuncanonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncanonize.
uncanonized adj. Not canonized.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.
UNCANONIZESuncanonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncanonize.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.
BENZOQUINONEbenzoquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Either of the two isomeric forms of the simplest quinone, C6H4O2, or any of their…
BENZOQUINONE n. quinone.
NONIMMUNIZEDnonimmunized adj. Not having been immunized.
NONUNIONIZEDnonunionized adj. Not unionized; lacking union representation.
NONUNIONIZED adj. not unionized, also NONUNIONISED.
UNCANONIZINGuncanonizing v. Present participle of uncanonize.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.
UNIONIZATIONunionization n. (Politics) The act of forming a labor union.
unionization n. (Chemistry, rare, nonstandard) Synonym of deionization.
UNIONIZATION n. the act of forming a union, also UNIONISATION.
ANNUITIZATIONannuitization n. (Economics) The process or the result of annuitizing an annuity.
BENZOQUINONESbenzoquinones n. Plural of benzoquinone.
BENZOQUINONE n. quinone.
UNIONIZATIONSunionizations n. Plural of unionization.
UNIONIZATION n. the act of forming a union, also UNIONISATION.
UNRECOGNIZINGunrecognizing v. Present participle of unrecognize.
unrecognizing adj. Not showing recognition.
UNRECOGNIZING adj. not recognizing.
ANNUITIZATIONSannuitizations n. Plural of annuitization.
UNSYNCHRONIZEDunsynchronized adj. Alternative spelling of unsynchronised.
UNSYNCHRONIZED adj. not synchronized, also UNSYNCHRONISED.
CONNATURALIZINGconnaturalizing v. Present participle of connaturalize.
CONNATURALIZE v. to make of the same nature, also CONNATURALISE.
MONUMENTALIZINGmonumentalizing v. Present participle of monumentalize.
MONUMENTALIZE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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