MARTYRIUM | • martyrium n. A tomb or other edifice erected in homage to a martyr. • martyrium n. (Rhetoric) Confirming something by referring to one’s own experience. • MARTYRIUM n. (Latin) a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRY. |
MICROMETRY | • micrometry n. The measurement of very small objects using a micrometer. • MICROMETRY n. the art of measuring with a micrometer. |
IMMIGRATORY | • immigratory adj. Of or pertaining to immigration. • IMMIGRATORY adj. relating to immigration. |
MICROCHEMISTRY | • microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical techniques for preparing, handling, and analyzing small quantities of chemical… • microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical processes that take place in very small regions, such as on the grain boundaries of a metal. • MICROCHEMISTRY adj. small-scale chemistry. |
MICROPYROMETER | • MICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects. |
SUPERSYMMETRIC | • supersymmetric adj. (Physics) Pertaining to supersymmetry. • SUPERSYMMETRIC adj. relating to supersymmetry. |
ULTRAMICROTOMY | • ultramicrotomy n. Microtomy using an ultramicrotome. • ULTRAMICROTOMY n. the use of an ultramicrotome. |
CENTROSYMMETRIC | • centrosymmetric adj. (Mathematics) Having a centre of symmetry. • CENTROSYMMETRIC adj. symmetric with respect to a central point. |
METHYLMERCURIES | • methylmercuries n. Plural of methylmercury. • methyl␣mercuries n. Plural of methyl mercury. • METHYLMERCURY n. any of several extremely toxic organometallic compounds formed from metallic mercury by the action of microorganisms. |
MICROPHOTOMETRY | • microphotometry n. Measurement performed with a microphotometer. • MICROPHOTOMETRY n. measurement by microphotometer, an instrument for measuring the amount of light transmitted or reflected by small areas or for measuring the relative densities of spectral lines on a photographic film or plate. |
MICROPYROMETERS | • MICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects. |
PROGRAMMABILITY | • programmability n. The abstract capability of being programmable. • PROGRAMMABILITY n. the state of being programmable. |
REMEMBERABILITY | • rememberability n. The property of being rememberable. • REMEMBERABILITY n. the state of being rememberable. |
SUPERSYMMETRIES | • supersymmetries n. Plural of supersymmetry. • SUPERSYMMETRY n. the correspondence between fermions and bosons of identical mass that is postulated to have existed during the opening moments of the big bang and that relates gravity to the other forces of nature. |
THERMOCHEMISTRY | • thermochemistry n. (Chemistry, physics) The study of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions. • THERMOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the interrelation of heat with chemical reaction or physical change of state. |