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There are 18 words containing I, L, O, R, 2S and X

EXCELSIORSEXCELSIOR n. slender, curved wood shavings used esp. for packing.
PROLIXNESSprolixness n. Prolixity.
PROLIXNESS n. the state of being prolix.
DORSIFLEXESdorsiflexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dorsiflex.
DORSIFLEX v. to bend towards the back or dorsal.
EXPRESSIONALexpressional adj. Of or pertaining to expression, either in language, genetics, the face or the arts.
EXPRESSIONAL adj. relating to expression.
PROLIXNESSESPROLIXNESS n. the state of being prolix.
CONSOLATRIXESCONSOLATRIX n. a woman who consoles.
DORSIFLEXIONSdorsiflexions n. Plural of dorsiflexion.
DORSIFLEXION n. a bending backwards; a bending of the back.
LUXURIOUSNESSluxuriousness n. The state or property of being luxurious, of being expensive or indulgently pleasant.
LUXURIOUS n. enjoying or indulging in luxury.
EXPRESSIONLESSexpressionless adj. Without expression.
EXPRESSIONLESS adj. lacking expression.
INEXORABLENESSinexorableness n. The quality of being inexorable.
INEXORABLENESS n. the state of being inexorable.
REFLEXOLOGISTSreflexologists n. Plural of reflexologist.
REFLEXOLOGIST n. a specialist in reflexology.
SUPERLUXURIOUSsuperluxurious adj. Exceptionally luxurious.
SUPERLUXURIOUS adj. very luxurious.
EXCLAUSTRATIONSexclaustrations n. Plural of exclaustration.
EXCLAUSTRATION n. a release from religious vows to return to the secular world.
EXPLORATIONISTSexplorationists n. Plural of explorationist.
EXPLORATIONIST n. a scientist engaged in mineral exploration.
LEXICOGRAPHISTSlexicographists n. Plural of lexicographist.
LEXICOGRAPHIST n. one who makes dictionaries.
LUXURIOUSNESSESluxuriousnesses n. Plural of luxuriousness.
LUXURIOUSNESS n. LUXURIOUS, enjoying or indulging in luxury.
PARADOXICALNESSparadoxicalness n. The state or quality of being paradoxical.
PARADOXICAL n. of the nature of a paradox, also PARADOXAL.
SINISTRODEXTRALsinistrodextral adj. Moving or directed from the left to the right.
SINISTRODEXTRAL adj. going or directed from left to right, as a sinistrodextral script.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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