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There are 20 words containing I, J, L, O, R, T and U

JOCULARITYjocularity n. Joking, humorous remarks or behaviour.
JOCULARITY n. jesting, merriment.
JOURNALISTjournalist n. (Originally) The keeper of a personal journal, who writes in it regularly.
journalist n. One whose occupation is journalism, originally only writing in the printed press.
journalist n. A reporter, someone who professionally reports on news and current events.
JOURNALISTSjournalists n. Plural of journalist.
JOURNALIST n. a person engaged in journalism.
JOCULARITIESjocularities n. Plural of jocularity.
JOCULARITY n. jesting, merriment.
JOURNALISTICjournalistic adj. Related to journalism or journalists.
JOURNALISTIC adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of journalism or journalists.
JUDICATORIALJUDICATORIAL adj. relating to the judicatory.
JURISCONSULTjurisconsult n. (Roman and civil law) A person authorised to give legal advice.
jurisconsult n. (Civil law) A master of civil law. Abbreviation: J.C.
jurisconsult n. (Law) A master of jurisprudence.
JURISCONSULTSjurisconsults n. Plural of jurisconsult.
JURISCONSULT n. someone who is consulted on the law; a lawyer who gives opinions on cases put to him or her.
JOURNALIZATIONjournalization n. (Accounting) The act of recording in a journal.
JOURNALIZATION n. the process of journalizing, also JOURNALISATION.
JURISDICTIONALjurisdictional adj. Of or pertaining to jurisdiction.
JURISDICTIONAL adj. relating to jurisdiction, also JURISDICTIVE.
TELEJOURNALISMtelejournalism n. Journalism for the medium of television.
TELEJOURNALISM n. journalism for television.
TELEJOURNALISTtelejournalist n. A journalist working in the medium of television.
TELEJOURNALIST n. a journalist working for television.
INTERJACULATORYinterjaculatory adj. Interjaculating.
INTERJACULATORY adj. exclamatory.
JOURNALIZATIONSjournalizations n. Plural of journalization.
JOURNALIZATION n. the process of journalizing, also JOURNALISATION.
PHOTOJOURNALISMphotojournalism n. A form of journalism in which a story is told primarily through photographs and other images.
PHOTOJOURNALISM n. journalism in which written copy is subordinate to pictorial usually photographic presentation of news stories or in which a high proportion of pictorial presentation is used.
PHOTOJOURNALISTphotojournalist n. A journalist who uses photojournalism.
PHOTOJOURNALIST n. a practitioner of photojournalism.
TELEJOURNALISMSTELEJOURNALISM n. journalism for television.
TELEJOURNALISTStelejournalists n. Plural of telejournalist.
TELEJOURNALIST n. a journalist working for television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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