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There are 20 words containing 2I, P, 3T and Y

ATTEMPTABILITYattemptability n. The property of being attemptable.
ATTEMPTABILITY n. the quality of being attemptable.
CONTEMPTIBILITYcontemptibility n. The quality of being contemptible.
CONTEMPTIBILITY n. the state of being contemptible.
HEPATOTOXICITYhepatotoxicity n. Toxicity that damages the liver.
HEPATOTOXICITY n. a state of toxic damage to the liver.
HYPOSTATIZATIONhypostatization n. The act or process of being hypostatized.
HYPOSTATIZATION n. the act of hypostatizing, also HYPOSTATISATION.
INTEMPESTIVITYintempestivity n. Unseasonability; untimeliness.
INTEMPESTIVITY n. inopportuneness.
LITHONTHRYPTIClithonthryptic adj. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
lithonthryptic n. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
LITHONTHRYPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTRIPTIC, LITHOTRIPTIC.
LITHONTHRYPTICSlithonthryptics n. Plural of lithonthryptic.
LITHONTHRYPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTRIPTIC, LITHOTRIPTIC.
PATENTABILITYpatentability n. The state or condition of being patentable.
PATENTABILITY n. the state of being patentable.
PERMITTIVITYpermittivity n. (Physics) A property of a dielectric medium that determines the forces that electric charges placed…
PERMITTIVITY n. the ratio of the electric displacement in a medium to the electric field intensity producing it.
PHOTOELASTICITYphotoelasticity n. A technique for studying and measuring the stresses and strains in an object by means of mechanical birefringence.
PHOTOELASTICITY n. the state of being photoelastic.
PHOTOTOXICITYphototoxicity n. Any adverse effect due to exposure to light, especially such effects on the skin.
PHOTOTOXICITY n. the state of being phototoxic.
PHYTOTOXICITIESphytotoxicities n. Plural of phytotoxicity.
PHYTOTOXICITY n. the state of being phytotoxic.
PHYTOTOXICITYphytotoxicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being phytotoxic.
phytotoxicity n. (Countable) A measure of the extent to which something is phytotoxic.
PHYTOTOXICITY n. the state of being phytotoxic.
POTENTIALITYpotentiality n. The quality of being, or having potential.
potentiality n. An inherent capacity for growth or development.
potentiality n. An aptitude amenable to development; capability.
RECTIPETALITYrectipetality n. (Botany) The natural tendency of stems to grow in a straight line.
RECTIPETALITY n. the tendency to grow in a straight line, also RECTIPETALY.
STYPTICITIESSTYPTICITY n. the state of being styptic.
STYPTICITYstypticity n. The quality or state of being styptic; astringency.
STYPTICITY n. the state of being styptic.
TEMPTABILITYtemptability n. The quality of being temptable; susceptibility to temptation.
TEMPTABILITY n. the quality of being temptable.
TRIPARTITELYtripartitely adv. In a tripartite fashion; into three parts.
TRIPARTITE adv. in three parts; between three parties or States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 487 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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