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There are 9 words containing 2I, O, Q, 2R and S

REQUISITORrequisitor n. One who makes requisition; especially, one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.
REQUISITOR n. one who makes requisition; esp. one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.
PERQUISITORperquisitor n. The first purchaser of an estate.
PERQUISITOR n. the first purchaser of an estate.
REQUISITORSrequisitors n. Plural of requisitor.
REQUISITOR n. one who makes requisition; esp. one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.
REQUISITORYrequisitory adj. Sought for; demanded.
REQUISITORY n. in law, a demand made by a prosecutor that a sentence be passed on an accused, giving the reasons.
PERQUISITORSperquisitors n. Plural of perquisitor.
PERQUISITOR n. the first purchaser of an estate.
EQUILIBRATORSequilibrators n. Plural of equilibrator.
EQUILIBRATOR n. one who equilibrates.
QUADRIFARIOUSquadrifarious adj. (Botany) Arranged in four rows or ranks.
QUADRIFARIOUS adj. arranged in four close-set rows along the stem.
REQUISITORIESREQUISITORY n. in law, a demand made by a prosecutor that a sentence be passed on an accused, giving the reasons.
REQUISITIONARYrequisitionary adj. Of or pertaining to requisition.
REQUISITIONARY adj. of the nature of a requisition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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