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There are 18 words containing 2I, 2N, P, U and Z

CONCEPTUALIZINGconceptualizing v. Present participle of conceptualize.
CONCEPTUALIZE v. to form a concept of, also CONCEPTUALISE.
EUPHONIZINGeuphonizing v. Present participle of euphonize.
EUPHONIZE v. to make euphonic, pleasant sounding, also EUPHONISE.
HYPERIMMUNIZINGhyperimmunizing v. Present participle of hyperimmunize.
HYPERIMMUNIZE v. to induce a high level of immunity or of circulating antibodies in, as by a long course of injections of antigen, also HYPERIMMUNISE.
MUNICIPALIZINGmunicipalizing v. Present participle of municipalize.
MUNICIPALIZE v. to bring under municipal ownership or supervision, also MUNICIPALISE.
PLATITUDINIZINGplatitudinizing v. Present participle of platitudinize.
PLATITUDINIZE v. to utter platitudes, also PLATITUDINISE.
PRUSSIANIZATIONPrussianization n. The process of making something Prussian.
PRUSSIANIZATION n. the act of prussianizing, also PRUSSIANISATION.
PRUSSIANIZINGPrussianizing v. Present participle of Prussianize.
PRUSSIANIZE v. to make Prussian in character or principle, as in authoritarian control or rigid discipline, also PRUSSIANISE.
PURITANIZINGpuritanizing v. Present participle of puritanize.
PURITANIZE v. to make a Puritan of, also PURITANISE.
REPUBLICANIZINGrepublicanizing v. Present participle of republicanize.
REPUBLICANIZE v. to make republican, also REPUBLICANISE.
SUPERHUMANIZINGsuperhumanizing v. Present participle of superhumanize.
SUPERHUMANIZE v. to make superhuman, also SUPERHUMANISE.
UNAPOLOGIZINGunapologizing adj. Making no apology.
UNAPOLOGIZING adj. not apologizing, also UNAPOLOGISING.
UNAPPETIZINGunappetizing adj. Not appetizing.
UNAPPETIZING adj. not appetizing.
UNAPPETIZINGLYunappetizingly adv. In an unappetizing or unappealing manner.
UNAPPETIZING adv. not appetizing.
UNBAPTIZINGunbaptizing v. Present participle of unbaptize.
UNBAPTIZE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTISE.
UNDERPRIZINGunderprizing v. Present participle of underprize.
UNDERPRIZE v. to value too little.
UNSYMPATHIZINGunsympathizing adj. Failing to sympathize; lacking sympathy.
UNSYMPATHIZING adj. not sympathizing, also UNSYMPATHISING.
UNZIPPINGunzipping v. Present participle of unzip.
unzipping n. The act by which something is unzipped.
UNZIP v. to open the zipper of.
UTOPIANIZINGutopianizing v. Present participle of utopianize.
UTOPIANIZE v. to make Utopian, also UTOPIANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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