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There are 19 words containing 2I, 2M, O, U and Y

AUTOIMMUNITYautoimmunity n. (Pathology, immunology) The condition where one’s immune system attacks one’s own tissues, i.e., an…
AUTOIMMUNITY n. the production by a living body of antibodies which attack constituents of its own tissues, the cause of certain serious disease.
COMMUNICABILITYcommunicability n. The quality of being communicable.
COMMUNICABILITY n. the state of being communicable.
COMMUNICATIVELYcommunicatively adv. In a communicative manner.
COMMUNICATIVE adv. tending to communicate.
COMMUNISTICALLYcommunistically adv. In a communistic manner.
COMMUNISTIC adv. inclined to communism.
COMMUTABILITYcommutability n. The quality of being commutable.
COMMUTABILITY n. the quality of being commutable.
COMMUTATIVITYcommutativity n. (Mathematics, physics) The state of being commutative.
COMMUTATIVITY n. the property of being commutative.
DISCOMMODIOUSLYdiscommodiously adv. In a discommodious manner.
DISCOMMODIOUS adv. inconvenient.
DISCOMMUNITYdiscommunity n. A lack of common possessions, properties, or relationship.
DISCOMMUNITY n. lack of community.
IMMUNOASSAYISTIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
IMMUNOASSAYISTSIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
IMMUNOCHEMISTRYimmunochemistry n. (Chemistry, immunology) The study of the structure of antibody molecules (immunoglobulins) and of their…
IMMUNOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical aspects of immunology.
IMMUNOGENICALLYimmunogenically adv. In an immunogenic way.
IMMUNOGENIC adv. producing an immune response.
IMMUNOGENICITYimmunogenicity n. (Immunology) The ability of a particular substance to provoke an immune response.
IMMUNOGENICITY n. the state of being immunogenic.
IMMUNOLOGICALLYimmunologically adv. (Immunology) Using immunological methods.
IMMUNOLOGICAL adv. relating to immunology, also IMMUNOLOGIC.
INCOMMODIOUSLYincommodiously adv. In an incommodious manner.
INCOMMODIOUS adv. not commodious.
INCOMMUNICABLYincommunicably adv. In an incommunicable manner or fashion.
INCOMMUNICABLE adv. not communicable.
INCOMMUTABILITYincommutability n. The quality or state of being incommutable.
INCOMMUTABILITY n. the quality of being incommutable.
INTERCOMMUNITYintercommunity adj. Between communities.
intercommunity n. Intercommunication; reciprocal intercourse.
INTERCOMMUNITY adj. between communities.
MULTIFORMITYmultiformity n. The quality of being multiform, or having many forms.
MULTIFORMITY n. the state of being multiform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 459 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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