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There are 20 words containing 2I, K, L, 2N and P

BESPRINKLINGbesprinkling v. Present participle of besprinkle.
BESPRINKLE v. to sprinkle over; to scatter over.
CLINOPINAKOIDCLINOPINAKOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINACOID.
CLINOPINAKOIDSCLINOPINAKOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINACOID.
HYPERLINKINGhyperlinking v. Present participle of hyperlink.
HYPERLINK v. to connect by hyperlink.
LICKPENNIESlickpennies n. Plural of lickpenny.
LICKPENNY n. an absorber or devourer of money.
PAINKILLINGpainkilling adj. Reducing or eliminating pain.
PAINKILLING adj. of drugs, killing pain.
PAINSTAKINGLYpainstakingly adv. In a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully.
PAINSTAKING adv. taking pains.
PILNIEWINKSpilnie-winks n. (Historical) An ancient form of torture for the fingers.
PILNIEWINKS n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNIEWINKLEPINNIEWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNIEWINKLESPINNIEWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNYWINKLE.
PINNYWINKLEPINNYWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE.
PINNYWINKLESpinnywinkles n. Alternative form of pilliwinks.
PINNYWINKLE n. an instrument of torture designed to crush fingers, also PILLIWINKS, PILNIEWINKS, PINNIEWINKLE.
PLINKINGplinking v. Present participle of plink.
plinking n. A noise that plinks.
plinking n. (Firearms) informal target shooting done at non-traditional targets such as tin cans, glass bottles and wood blocks.
PLINKINGSplinkings n. Plural of plinking.
PLINKING n. shooting at a tin can or the like.
SPRINKLERINGsprinklering v. Present participle of sprinkler.
SPRINKLER v. to water with a sprinkler.
SPRINKLINGsprinkling v. Present participle of sprinkle.
sprinkling n. The action of the verb to sprinkle.
sprinkling n. A small thinly distributed amount, e.g. of some liquid, powder or other fine substance that is sprinkled…
SPRINKLINGSsprinklings n. Plural of sprinkling.
SPRINKLING n. the act of sprinkling.
UPLINKINGuplinking v. Present participle of uplink.
UPLINKING n. the act of transmitting by uplink.
UPLINKINGSUPLINKING n. the act of transmitting by uplink.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 283 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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