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There are 14 words containing 3I and 4N

INCARNADININGincarnadining v. (Archaic, literary) present participle of incarnadine.
INCARNADINE v. to make bloodred.
INCONCINNITIESinconcinnities n. Plural of inconcinnity.
INCONCINNITY n. lack of suitability or congruity.
INCONCINNITYinconcinnity n. Lack of harmony or suitability.
INCONCINNITY n. lack of suitability or congruity.
INCONTINENCIESincontinencies n. Plural of incontinency.
INCONTINENCY n. the state of being incontinent, also INCONTINENCE.
INCONVENIENCIESinconveniencies n. Plural of inconveniency.
INCONVENIENCY n. lack of convenience, also INCONVENIENCE.
INCONVENIENCINGinconveniencing v. Present participle of inconvenience.
INCONVENIENCE v. to subject to inconvenience.
KINNIKINNICKkinnikinnick n. A mixture of bark, dried leaves, and often berries and/or tobacco, which is smoked.
kinnikinnick n. Any of the plants whose berries, leaves or bark are used in this mixture.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.
KINNIKINNICKSkinnikinnicks n. Plural of kinnikinnick.
KINNIKINNICK n. (Native American) a mixture used by Native Americans as a substitute for tobacco, also KILLIKINICK, KINNIKINIC, KINNIKINICK.
NONINTIMIDATINGnonintimidating adj. Not intimidating.
NONINTIMIDATING adj. not intimidating.
NONINTOXICATINGnonintoxicating adj. Not intoxicating; not causing drunkenness.
NONINTOXICATING adj. not intoxicating.
NONIONISINGNONIONISING adj. not resulting in ionization, also NONIONIZING.
NONIONIZINGnonionizing adj. Not ionizing.
NONIONIZING adj. not ionizing, also NONIONISING.
NONSIGNIFICANTnonsignificant adj. (Sciences) Lacking statistical significance.
NONSIGNIFICANT n. (in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning.
NONSIGNIFICANTSNONSIGNIFICANT n. (in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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