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There are 18 words containing 3I, L, M, V and Y

ASSIMILATIVELYASSIMILATIVE adv. of, relating to, or causing assimilation.
DIMINUTIVELYdiminutively adv. In a diminutive manner.
DIMINUTIVE adv. small.
DISMISSIVELYdismissively adv. In a dismissive manner.
DISMISSIVE adv. disrespectful, inconsiderate.
IMAGINATIVELYimaginatively adv. In an imaginative manner; showing creativity.
IMAGINATIVE adv. characterized by imagination.
IMITATIVELYimitatively adv. In an imitative manner.
IMITATIVE adv. inclined to imitate; formed after a model.
IMMOVABILITYimmovability n. The state of being immovable.
IMMOVABILITY n. the state of being immovable, also IMMOVEABILITY.
IMMOVEABILITYIMMOVEABILITY n. the quality of being immoveable, also IMMOVABILITY.
IMPERVIABILITYimperviability n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABILITY n. the quality of being imperviable.
IMPLICATIVELYimplicatively adv. In an implicative way.
IMPLICATIVE adv. tending to implicate.
IMPROVABILITYimprovability n. The condition of being improvable.
IMPROVABILITY n. the state of being improvable.
IMPULSIVITYimpulsivity n. The quality of being impulsive, impulsiveness; inclination to act on impulse rather than thought.
IMPULSIVITY n. the state of being impulsive.
IRREMOVABILITYirremovability n. The quality or state of being irremovable.
IRREMOVABILITY n. the state of being irremovable.
OVERFAMILIARITYoverfamiliarity n. The state of being overfamiliar.
OVERFAMILIARITY n. the state of being overfamiliar.
OVERSIMPLIFYINGoversimplifying v. Present participle of oversimplify.
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
PRIMITIVELYprimitively adv. In a primitive manner.
PRIMITIVE adv. belonging to earliest times or the earlier stages of development.
UNIMAGINATIVELYunimaginatively adv. Done in a unimaginative manner; not creatively.
UNIMAGINATIVE adv. not imaginative.
VERISIMILARLYverisimilarly adv. In a verisimilar way; suggesting truthfulness.
VERISIMILAR adv. seeming real or true.
VERISIMILITYverisimility n. (Obsolete) Verisimilitude.
VERISIMILITY n. (obsolete) verisimilitude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 134 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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