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There are 18 words containing 3I, L, M and 2U

EQUILIBRIUMequilibrium n. The condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced, resulting in no net change.
equilibrium n. Mental balance.
equilibrium n. (Chemistry) The state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same.
EQUILIBRIUMSequilibriums n. Plural of equilibrium.
EQUILIBRIUM n. a state of intellectual or emotional balance.
MULTIUTILITYmultiutility n. A utility company providing multiple types of service, such as both gas and electricity.
MULTIUTILITY n. a public utility that provides more than one essential service, such as gas and electricity.
MULTIBUILDINGmultibuilding adj. Consisting of, or pertaining to, multiple buildings.
MULTIBUILDING adj. involving many buildings.
MULTILINGUISTmultilinguist n. A speaker of multiple languages; a polyglot.
MULTILINGUIST n. a speaker of many languages.
UNILINGUALISMunilingualism n. Condition of being able to speak only a single language.
UNILINGUALISM n. the state of being unilingual.
DISEQUILIBRIUMdisequilibrium n. The loss of equilibrium or stability, especially due to an imbalance of forces.
DISEQUILIBRIUM n. loss or lack of equilibrium.
MULTIBUILDINGSSorry, definition not available.
MULTILINGUISTSmultilinguists n. Plural of multilinguist.
MULTILINGUIST n. a speaker of many languages.
MULTIRELIGIOUSmultireligious adj. Having, or being home to, multiple religions.
MULTIRELIGIOUS adj. comprising many religions.
MULTIUTILITIESmultiutilities n. Plural of multiutility.
MULTIUTILITY n. a public utility that provides more than one essential service, such as gas and electricity.
NONEQUILIBRIUMnonequilibrium n. The condition of not being in equilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
UNILINGUALISMSUNILINGUALISM n. the state of being unilingual.
UNILLUMINATINGunilluminating adj. Not illuminating; unenlightening.
UNILLUMINATING adj. not illuminating.
DISEQUILIBRIUMSdisequilibriums n. Plural of disequilibrium.
DISEQUILIBRIUM n. loss or lack of equilibrium.
INFUNDIBULIFORMinfundibuliform adj. Having the shape of a funnel or cone.
INFUNDIBULIFORM adj. shaped like a funnel.
MULTILINGUALISMmultilingualism n. The condition of being multilingual; the ability to speak multiple languages.
MULTILINGUALISM n. the state of being multilingual.
NONEQUILIBRIUMSnonequilibriums n. Plural of nonequilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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