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There are 18 words containing 3I, K, R and 2S

INTERKINESISinterkinesis n. The second stage of interphase.
INTERKINESIS n. the resting stage between two divisions of mitosis.
JINRIKISHASjinrikishas n. Plural of jinrikisha.
JINRIKISHA n. (Japanese) a small, two-wheeled, hooded vehicle drawn by one more men, also JINRICKSHA, JINRICKSHAW, JINRIKSHA, RICKSHA, RICKSHAW, RIKISHA, RIKSHAW.
KARSTIFICATIONSkarstifications n. Plural of karstification.
KARSTIFICATION n. the process of becoming karstified.
KERATINISATIONSkeratinisations n. Plural of keratinisation.
KERATINISATION n. the process of making keratinous, also KERATINIZATION.
KINESIATRICSkinesiatrics n. (Medicine) The treatment of disease by muscular movements.
KINESIATRICS n. a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements.
KINESITHERAPIESkinesitherapies n. Plural of kinesitherapy.
KINESITHERAPY n. a method of treating disease by means of exercises or gymnastic movements, aka kinesiatrics.
LARRIKINISMSLARRIKINISM n. (Australian slang) the activities of a larrikin, a hoodlum.
MANRIKIGUSARISMANRIKIGUSARI n. (Japanese) a Japanese chain weapon with weighted ends.
MIDISKIRTSmidiskirts n. Plural of midiskirt.
MIDISKIRT n. a skirt of medium length.
MINISKIRTSminiskirts n. Plural of miniskirt.
mini-skirts n. Plural of mini-skirt.
MINISKIRT n. a skirt whose hemline is well above the knees.
MISSTRIKINGmisstriking v. Present participle of misstrike.
MISSTRIKE v. to strike wrongly.
QUICKSILVERINGSQUICKSILVERING n. the mercury on the back of a mirror.
QUICKSILVERISHquicksilverish adj. Like quicksilver.
QUICKSILVERISH adj. somewhat like quicksilver.
SKIRMISHINGskirmishing v. Present participle of skirmish.
skirmishing n. A brief battle; a skirmish.
SKIRMISHING n. the act of skirmishing.
SKIRMISHINGSskirmishings n. Plural of skirmishing.
SKIRMISHING n. the act of skirmishing.
SPHAIRISTIKEsphairistike n. (Sports, archaic) An early racquet sport that evolved into tennis.
SPHAIRISTIKE n. (Greek) a ball game that developed into lawn tennis.
SPHAIRISTIKESSPHAIRISTIKE n. (Greek) a ball game that developed into lawn tennis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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