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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, N, O, R, S, T and Y

ANTISTORYantistory n. Alternative spelling of anti-story.
anti-story n. (Literature) A work of fiction in which the author breaks in some way the conventional rules of storytelling…
ANTISTORY n. a narrative that does not follow the normal conventions of story.
BRIMSTONYbrimstony adj. Containing or resembling brimstone; sulphurous.
BRIMSTONY adj. containing or resembling brimstone.
CARNOSITYcarnosity n. (Uncountable) Fleshiness.
carnosity n. (Countable) A fleshy caruncle or excrescence.
CARNOSITY n. a fleshy excrescence; esp. a small excrescence or fungous growth.
CARYOTINSCARYOTIN n. the nuclear material of a cell.
CRAYONISTcrayonist n. (Dated) An artist who uses crayons.
CRAYONIST n. one who draws in crayon, also CRAYONER.
DRYPOINTSdrypoints n. Plural of drypoint.
dry␣points n. Plural of dry point.
DRYPOINT n. a sharp needle by which fine lines are drawn in copper engraving.
GYRATIONSgyrations n. Plural of gyration.
GYRATION n. the act of gyrating.
KARYOTINSKARYOTIN n. a readily stained substance in the nucleus of a cell made up of DNA, RNA and proteins, aka chromatin, also CARYOTIN.
NERVOSITYnervosity n. (Rare) The state of being nervous; nervousness.
NERVOSITY n. nervousness.
NITROSYLSnitrosyls n. Plural of nitrosyl.
NITROSYL n. the radical NO, called also the nitroso group.
NITROXYLSnitroxyls n. Plural of nitroxyl.
NITROXYL n. the group NO2, usually called the nitro group, also NITRYL.
OYSTERINGoystering v. Present participle of oyster.
OYSTERING n. gathering oysters.
SENIORITYseniority n. A measure of the amount of time a person has been a member of an organization, as compared to other…
SENIORITY n. the state of being senior.
SIGNATORYsignatory n. One who signs or has signed something.
signatory adj. Relating to a seal; used in sealing.
signatory adj. Signing; joining or sharing in a signature.
STORYINGSstoryings n. Plural of storying.
STORYING n. the art of relating tales.
STORYLINEstoryline n. (Authorship) The plot of a story.
storyline n. (Climate science) A narrative description of a given modeling scenario, highlighting its main characteristics…
story␣line n. Alternative form of storyline.
SYNTHRONIsynthroni n. Plural of synthronus.
SYNTHRONUS n. the seat of a bishop and his presbyters, behind the altar.
THYROXINSthyroxins n. Plural of thyroxin.
THYROXIN n. an iodine compound, a hormone forming the active principle of the thyroid gland, also THYROXINE.
TRIGYNOUStrigynous adj. (Botany) Having three pistils or styles.
TRIGYNOUS adj. having three pistils or styles, also TRIGYNIAN.
TYROSINEStyrosines n. Plural of tyrosine.
TYROSINE n. an amino acid formed by decomposition of proteins, first obtained from cheese.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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