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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing I, N, O, P and 3S

OPSONISESopsonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of opsonise.
OPSONISE v. to make (bacteria) more susceptible to consumption by phagocytes, also OPSONIZE.
PIOUSNESSpiousness n. The condition of being pious; piety.
PIOUSNESS n. piety.
PRESSIONSpressions n. Plural of pression.
PRESSION n. pressure.
PROSINESSprosiness n. The quality or state of being prosy; tediousness.
PROSINESS n. the state of being prosy.
SIGNPOSTSsignposts n. Plural of signpost.
sign-posts n. Plural of sign-post.
SIGNPOST v. to provide with posts bearing signs.
SINOPISESSINOPIS n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIA.
SNOWSLIPSsnowslips n. Plural of snowslip.
SNOWSLIP n. a large mass or avalanche of snow which slips down the side of a mountain, etc.
SOAPINESSsoapiness n. The state or quality of being soapy.
SOAPINESS n. the state of being soapy.
SOPPINESSsoppiness n. The state or condition of being soppy; oversentimentality.
SOPPINESS n. the state of being soppy.
SOUPINESSsoupiness n. The state or condition of being soupy.
SOUPINESS n. the quality of being soupy.
SPONSINGSsponsings n. Plural of sponsing.
SPONSING n. a platform jutting from ship's deck for gun or wheel, also SPONSON.
SPONSIONSsponsions n. Plural of sponsion.
SPONSION n. the act of becoming surety for another.
SYNOPSISEsynopsise v. Alternative form of synopsize.
SYNOPSISE v. to make a synopsis of, also SYNOPSIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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