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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing I, N, O, 2P, R and T

APPOINTERappointer n. A person who appoints (in any sense).
APPOINTER n. one who appoints.
APPOINTORappointor n. (Law) The person who selects the appointee.
APPOINTOR n. a person who is given (by the owner) the power to appoint property to other persons.
APPORTIONapportion v. (Transitive) To divide and distribute portions of a whole.
apportion v. (Transitive) Specifically, to do so in a fair and equitable manner; to allocate proportionally.
APPORTION v. to portion out.
PANTROPICpantropic adj. (Biology) Relating to, or affecting many types of tissue.
pantropic adj. Alternative form of pantropical.
PANTROPIC adj. occurring or distributed throughout the tropical regions of the earth, also PANTROPICAL.
PARPOINTSPARPOINT n. a stone passing through a wall from face to face, also PARPANE, PARPEN, PARPEND, PARPENT, PERPENT.
POURPOINTpourpoint n. (Historical) A quilted military doublet or gambeson worn in the 14th and 15th centuries.
pourpoint n. (Historical) A doublet of the 16th and 17th centuries worn by civilians.
POURPOINT n. (French) a mediaeval quilted doublet.
PREOPTIONpreoption n. The right of first choice.
PREOPTION n. the right of first choice.
PROMPTINGprompting v. Present participle of prompt.
prompting n. The action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.
PROMPTING n. the act of supplying a prompt.
REAPPOINTreappoint v. Appoint again.
REAPPOINT v. to appoint again.
STROPPINGstropping v. Present participle of strop.
stropping n. The process by which a razor is stropped.
STROP v. to sharpen on a strip of leather.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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