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There are 20 nine-letter words containing I, M, N, 2O, R and T

ADMONITORadmonitor n. An admonisher; a monitor.
ADMONITOR n. an admonisher; a monitor.
DOMINATORdominator n. One who dominates.
dominator n. (Graph theory) A node that dominates another.
DOMINATOR n. a ruler or ruling power.
DORMITIONdormition n. The process of falling asleep.
dormition n. (Euphemistic) The process of death or the actual death itself.
dormition n. (Eastern Orthodoxy, often capitalized) The death and assumption into heaven of the Virgin Mary.
FORMATIONformation n. The act of assembling a group or structure.
formation n. Something possessing structure or form.
formation n. The process during which something comes into being and gains its characteristics.
INAMORATOinamorato n. A lover; a gallant.
INAMORATO n. (Italian) a (male) lover; beloved person.
JOINTWORMjointworm n. The larva of a hymenopterous insect, Tetramesa tritici, found in gall-like swellings on wheatstalks…
JOINTWORM n. the larva of a small, hymenopterous fly, which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat.
MICRODONTmicrodont n. A tooth that is smaller than usual.
microdont adj. (Zoology) Having short or small teeth.
MICRODONT adj. having unusually small teeth, also MICRODONTOUS.
MICROTONEmicrotone n. (Music) Any interval smaller than a semitone.
MICROTONE n. an interval less than a semitone.
MONITOREDmonitored v. Simple past tense and past participle of monitor.
MONITOR v. to keep track of.
MONOPRINTmonoprint n. A form of printing on paper from a glass sheet to which oil paint has been applied; monotype.
monoprint v. To print using this technique.
MONOPRINT n. a single print taken from a design created in oil paint or printing ink on glass.
MOTIONERSmotioners n. Plural of motioner.
MOTIONER n. one who makes a motion.
MOTORINGSmotorings n. Plural of motoring.
MOTORING n. the recreation of travelling by automobile.
NOMINATORnominator n. One who nominates, the enactor of a nomination.
NOMINATOR n. one who nominates.
PREMOTIONpremotion n. Previous motion or excitement to action.
PREMOTION n. a motion or impulse given beforehand; esp. divine action as determining will.
PROMOTINGpromoting v. Present participle of promote.
PROMOTE v. to help forward.
PROMOTIONpromotion n. An advancement in rank or position.
promotion n. Dissemination of information in order to increase its popularity.
promotion n. (Marketing) An event intended to increase the reach or image of a product or brand.
REMONTOIRremontoir n. A device in a clock which provides a regular impulse to the pendulum.
REMONTOIR n. any of various devices used in watches, clocks etc. to compensate for errors, also REMONTOIRE.
REMOTIONSremotions n. Plural of remotion.
REMOTION n. the act of removing.
TORMINOUStorminous adj. (Medicine) Affected with tormina.
TORMINOUS adj. affected with tormina; griping.
TROMINOEStrominoes n. Plural of tromino.
TROMINO n. a flat, three-sided shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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