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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing I, L, N, R, S and 2T

FLITTERNSflitterns n. Plural of flittern.
FLITTERN n. bark obtained from young oak trees.
FRONTLISTfrontlist n. (Publishing) A list of the most recent books available from a publisher, as opposed to the backlist of older titles.
FRONTLIST n. a list of books about to be published.
RATTLINESrattlines n. Plural of rattline.
RATTLINE n. any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLIN, RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLIN, RATTLING.
RATTLINGSrattlings n. Plural of rattling.
RATTLING n. any of the small lines forming the steps of the rigging of ships, also RATLIN, RATLINE, RATLING, RATTLIN, RATTLINE.
STARTLINGstartling v. Present participle and gerund of startle.
startling adj. Likely to startle; surprising; shocking.
startling n. A startle; a sudden motion or shock.
STERILANTsterilant n. Any substance used to sterilize something.
STERILANT n. a sterilizing agent.
TROTLINEStrotlines n. Plural of trotline.
TROTLINE n. a strong fishing line.
TURNSTILEturnstile n. A rotating mechanical device that controls and counts passage between public areas, especially one that…
turnstile n. A similar device in a footpath to allow people through one at a time while preventing the passage of cattle.
turnstile n. (Mathematics, logic) The ⊢ symbol used to represent logical entailment (deducibility relation), especially…
TURTLINGSturtlings n. Plural of turtling.
TURTLING n. the hunting of turtles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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