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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing I, L, M, N, O, P and U

ENCOLPIUMencolpium n. A reliquary that is worn suspended from the neck like a medallion.
ENCOLPIUM n. a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPION.
IMPULSIONimpulsion n. The act of impelling or driving onward, or the state of being impelled; the sudden or momentary agency…
impulsion n. Influence acting unexpectedly or temporarily on the mind; sudden motive or influence; impulse.
IMPULSION n. the act of impelling or driving onward.
MULTIPIONmultipion adj. Involving multiple pions.
multipion n. A multiple pion.
MULTIPION adj. comprising many pions, pi-meson particles.
PLUTONISMplutonism n. The old geological theory that the rocks forming the Earth were formed in fire by volcanic activity…
PLUTONISM n. the theory that the earth's crust was formed by volcanoes.
PLUTONIUMplutonium n. The transuranic chemical element with atomic number 94 and symbol Pu: a silvery-gray fissile radioactive…
plutonium n. (Countable, historical) Alternative form of ploutonion.
PLUTONIUM n. a naturally radioactive, silvery, metallic transuranic element.
POLLINIUMpollinium n. (Palynology) A coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids, which is dispersed as a…
POLLINIUM n. a coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids.
POLONIUMSpoloniums n. Plural of polonium.
POLONIUM n. a rare highly radioactive metallic chemical element, present in some uranium ores.
PULMONICSpulmonics n. Plural of pulmonic.
PULMONIC n. a medicine for the lungs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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