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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2I, 2N, S and 2T

INCITANTSincitants n. Plural of incitant.
INCITANT n. something that incites.
INSETTINGinsetting v. Present participle of inset.
INSET v. to set in, in fix.
INSISTENTinsistent adj. (Obsolete) Standing or resting on something.
insistent adj. Urgent in dwelling upon anything; persistent in urging or maintaining.
insistent adj. Extorting attention or notice; coercively staring or prominent; vivid; intense.
INSTATINGinstating v. Present participle of instate.
INSTATE v. to install in office.
INSTINCTSinstincts n. Plural of instinct.
INSTINCT n. an inborn impulse, intuition.
INTENSITYintensity n. The quality of being intense.
intensity n. The degree of strength.
intensity n. (Physics) Time-averaged energy flux (the ratio of average power to the area through which the power…
INTERNISTinternist n. (Medicine) A physician who specialises in internal medicine.
INTERNIST n. a specialist in internal medicine.
INTESTINEintestine n. (Anatomy, often pluralized) The alimentary canal of an animal through which food passes after having…
intestine n. One of certain subdivisions of this part of the alimentary canal, such as the small or large intestine…
intestine adj. Domestic; taking place within a given country or region.
KNITTINGSknittings n. Plural of knitting.
KNITTING n. knitted work.
NOTIONISTnotionist n. One whose opinions are ungrounded notions.
NOTIONIST n. one whose opinions are ungrounded notions.
STINTINGSstintings n. Plural of stinting.
STINTING n. the act of stinting.
TINTINESStintiness n. The state or condition of being tinty.
TINTINESS n. the state of being tinted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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