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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2I, 2N, O and 2S

BISSONINGBISSON v. (Shakespeare) to cause to be blind.
DISUNIONSdisunions n. Plural of disunion.
DISUNION n. the state of being disunited.
ENVISIONSenvisions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of envision.
ENVISION v. to visualize, also ENVISAGE.
ESSOININGessoining v. Present participle of essoin.
ESSOIN v. to give an excuse for not appearing in court.
INCISIONSincisions n. Plural of incision.
INCISION n. the act of incising.
INFUSIONSinfusions n. Plural of infusion.
INFUSION n. the act of infusing.
INHESIONSinhesions n. Plural of inhesion.
INHESION n. the state of being inherent, also INHERENCE, INHERENCY.
INSOMNIASinsomnias n. Plural of insomnia.
INSOMNIA n. chronic inability to sleep.
INUSTIONSinustions n. Plural of inustion.
INUSTION n. burning in.
INVASIONSinvasions n. Plural of invasion.
INVASION n. the act of invading.
MISUNIONSmisunions n. Plural of misunion.
MISUNION n. a bad union.
NIGROSINSnigrosins n. Plural of nigrosin.
NIGROSIN n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSINE.
NOISENIKSnoiseniks n. Plural of noisenik.
NOISENIK n. a rock musician who performs loud harsh music.
NOISINESSnoisiness n. The quality or state of being noisy.
NOISINESS n. the state of being noisy.
NONCRISISnoncrisis n. A situation that is not a crisis.
NONCRISIS n. something that is not a crisis.
SAINFOINSsainfoins n. Plural of sainfoin.
SAINFOIN n. (French) a leguminous plant, used as fodder, also SAINTFOIN.
SINFONIASsinfonias n. Plural of sinfonia.
SINFONIA n. (Italian) a symphony; a symphony orchestra.
UNIONISESunionises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unionise.
UNIONISE v. to form into a union, also UNIONIZE.
UNIONISMSunionisms n. Plural of unionism.
UNIONISM n. the principle of forming a union.
UNIONISTSunionists n. Plural of unionist.
UNIONIST n. one who believes in political union.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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