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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2I, L, N, P, S and T

ALPINISTSalpinists n. Plural of alpinist.
ALPINIST n. a mountain climber.
CISPLATINcisplatin n. (Pharmacology, uncountable) A platinum-containing antineoplastic drug cis-diamminedichloro-platinum(II)…
cisplatin n. (Dated, countable) A platin, that is, a platinum-based antineoplastic, of which class cisplatin is the…
CISPLATIN n. a platinum-containing neoplastic drug used esp. in the treatment of ovarian and testicular tumours.
EPISTLINGepistling v. Present participle of epistle.
EPISTLE v. to preface.
PALMITINSpalmitins n. Plural of palmitin.
PALMITIN n. a glyceride of palmitic acid.
PENSILITYpensility n. The state or quality of being pensile; pendulousness.
PENSILITY n. being pensile, hanging; suspended.
PIANOLISTpianolist n. A person who plays the pianola, particularly with skill.
PIANOLIST n. one who plays the Pianola.
PILOTINGSpilotings n. Plural of piloting.
PILOTING n. a branch of navigation.
PISTOLINGpistoling v. Present participle of pistol.
PISTOL v. to shoot with a small firearm.
PLAITINGSplaitings n. Plural of plaiting.
PLAITING n. plaited braid, also PLATTING.
PLATINISEplatinise v. (Chiefly UK) Alternative form of platinize.
PLATINISE v. to coat with platinum, also PLATINIZE.
PLINKIESTPLINKY adj. of a high pitched sound from a stringed instrument when plucked.
POSTILINGpostiling v. Present participle of postil.
POSTIL v. to gloss.
POSTILIONpostilion n. A rider mounted on the near (left) leading horse who guides the team pulling a carriage.
postilion n. (Obsolete) A post-boy, a messenger boy, a swift letter carrier.
POSTILION n. (historical) a person who rides the near horse of those drawing a coach etc. and acts as guide to the whole team, also POSTILLION.
SPLENITISsplenitis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the spleen.
SPLENITIS n. inflammation of the spleen.
SPLINTINGsplinting v. Present participle of splint.
SPLINT v. to put a splint on.
SPLITTINGsplitting n. An instance where something splits.
splitting n. (Psychology) A division in the mind, or affecting one’s sense of self.
splitting n. (Chemistry) The cleavage of a covalent bond.
STIPPLINGstippling v. Present participle of stipple.
stippling n. A stippled pattern.
STIPPLING n. the act of stippling.
STRIPLINGstripling n. (Archaic, also attributive, sometimes humorous) A young man in the state of adolescence, or just passing…
stripling n. (Horticulture) A seedling with most of the leaves stripped off.
Stripling prop.n. A surname.
TAILSPINStailspins n. Plural of tailspin.
TAILSPIN v. to perform a kind of spin in an aeroplane.
TRIPLINGStriplings n. Plural of tripling.
TRIPLING n. the act of tripling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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