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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2I, L, M, R and 2S

LYRICISMSlyricisms n. Plural of lyricism.
LYRICISM n. the quality of being lyrics, also LYRISM.
MISLIKERSmislikers n. Plural of misliker.
MISLIKER n. one who mislikes.
MISRELIESmisrelies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misrely.
MISRELY v. to rely wrongly.
MISSILEERmissileer n. One who launches missiles.
missileer n. One who designs or works with missiles.
MISSILEER n. one responsible for the firing of missiles.
MISSILERYmissilery n. The science of missiles.
MISSILERY n. missiles collectively, also MISSILRY.
MISTRIALSmistrials n. Plural of mistrial.
MISTRIAL n. a trial made invalid because of some error in procedure.
SERIALISMserialism n. (Music) Music, especially from the 20th century, in which themes are based on a definite order of notes…
SERIALISM n. serial technique, or the use of it, e.g. the twelve-note row.
SERVILISMservilism n. Servile behaviour.
SERVILISM n. system of slavery or serfdom.
SLIMPSIERslimpsier adj. Comparative form of slimpsy: more slimpsy.
SLIMPSY adj. flimsy, also SLIMSY.
SPIRALISMspiralism n. The tendency of employees to move and live in different places in line with their successive promotions.
spiralism n. A Haitian literary movement.
SPIRALISM n. advancement through a spirally structured career.
TRIALISMSTRIALISM n. the doctrine of the existence of body, soul and spirit in man.
TROILISMSTROILISM n. sexual activity between three people (of two different sexes).
VIRILISMSvirilisms n. Plural of virilism.
VIRILISM n. the development of male sex characteristics in a female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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