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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2I, L, M, N, O and S

ALBINOISMalbinoism n. Congenital lack of melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only…
ALBINOISM n. the state or condition of being an albino, also ALBINISM.
ALIMONIESalimonies n. Plural of alimony.
ALIMONY n. an allowance paid to a partner after divorce.
BINOMIALSbinomials n. Plural of binomial.
BINOMIAL n. a binomial expression.
IMPLOSIONimplosion n. The inrush of air in forming a suction stop.
implosion n. The action of imploding.
implosion n. The act or action of bringing to or as if to a center.
IMPULSIONimpulsion n. The act of impelling or driving onward, or the state of being impelled; the sudden or momentary agency…
impulsion n. Influence acting unexpectedly or temporarily on the mind; sudden motive or influence; impulse.
IMPULSION n. the act of impelling or driving onward.
ISLOMANIAislomania n. A fascination with islands.
ISLOMANIA n. an obsessional enthusiasm for islands.
LIMATIONSLIMATION n. filing; (figurative) the process of refining or improving the appearance of something.
LIMONITESlimonites n. Plural of limonite.
LIMONITE n. a major ore of iron.
LIMONIUMSLIMONIUM n. a sea plant with brightly coloured funnel-shaped flowers.
LIMOUSINElimousine n. An automobile body with seats and permanent top like a coupe, and with the top projecting over the driver…
limousine n. An automobile with such a body.
limousine n. A luxury sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur.
MILTONIASmiltonias n. Plural of miltonia.
MILTONIA n. a plant of the Miltonia genus of tropical American orchids with brightly-coloured flowers.
MINIGOLFSMINIGOLF n. a game similar to golf played on a small obstacle course.
MIRLITONSmirlitons n. Plural of mirliton.
MIRLITON n. (French) a musical instrument resembling a kazoo.
MISSIONALmissional adj. Of or pertaining to a religious mission; missionary.
MISSIONAL adj. emphasising preaching of the gospel.
MONIPLIESMONIPLIES n. the third stomach of a ruminant, aka omasum or psalterium, also MANIPLIES, MANYPLIES, MONYPLIES.
VOLTINISMvoltinism n. (Biology) The number of broods or generations of an organism in one year.
VOLTINISM n. the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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