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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing 2I, L, 2N, P and Y

DIPHENYLENIMINEdiphenylenimine n. Carbazole.
DIPHENYLENIMINE n. a derivative of benzene, aka carbazole, used in the manufacture of dyes.
DISAPPOINTINGLYdisappointingly adv. In a disappointing manner.
DISAPPOINTING adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
HYPERINFLATIONShyperinflations n. Plural of hyperinflation.
HYPERINFLATION n. inflation growing at a very high rate in a very short time.
HYPERINSULINISMhyperinsulinism n. Hyperinsulinemia.
HYPERINSULINISM n. the presence of excess insulin in the body resulting in hypoglycemia.
HYPOVENTILATIONhypoventilation n. (Medicine) Respiratory depression, occurring when ventilation is inadequate to perform the necessary…
HYPOVENTILATION n. abnormally decreased speed and depth of breathing.
INCONSPICUOUSLYinconspicuously adv. In an inconspicuous manner; so as not to attract attention or appear unusual or out of the ordinary.
INCONSPICUOUS adv. not easily seen.
INEXPUGNABILITYinexpugnability n. The quality of being inexpugnable.
INEXPUGNABILITY n. the quality of being inexpugnable.
INSPIRATIONALLYinspirationally adv. In an inspirational manner.
INSPIRATIONAL adv. relating to inspiration.
NONSPECIFICALLYnonspecifically adv. In a nonspecific manner.
NONSPECIFIC adv. of a disease, not caused by any specific, identifiable agent.
PLATINOCYANIDESplatinocyanides n. Plural of platinocyanide.
PLATINOCYANIDE n. a fluorescent complex salt formed by the union of a compound of platinum and cyanide with another cyanide.
PLENIPOTENTIARYplenipotentiary n. A person invested with full powers, especially as the diplomatic agent of a sovereign state, (originally)…
plenipotentiary adj. Invested with full power.
plenipotentiary adj. Of or relating to a plenipotentiary agent.
POLYVINYLIDENESpolyvinylidenes n. Plural of polyvinylidene.
POLYVINYLIDENE n. any polymer derived from halogen monomers.
PREMILLENNIALLYpremillennially adv. Before the millennium.
PREMILLENNIAL adv. coming before a millennium.
TRIPHENYLAMINEStriphenylamines n. Plural of triphenylamine.
TRIPHENYLAMINE n. a crystalline compound corresponding to ammonia with all the hydrogen replaced by phenyl.
UNANTICIPATEDLYunanticipatedly adv. Without being anticipated; unexpectedly.
UNANTICIPATED adv. not anticipated.
UNCOMPLAININGLYuncomplainingly adv. In an uncomplaining manner.
UNCOMPLAINING adv. not complaining.
UNDEPENDABILITYundependability n. The quality of being undependable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 129 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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