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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing 3I, N, O and 2P

DISAPPLICATIONSdisapplications n. Plural of disapplication.
DISAPPLICATION n. the act of disapplying, rendering a law inapplicable.
DISAPPOINTINGLYdisappointingly adv. In a disappointing manner.
DISAPPOINTING adv. DISAPPOINT, to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
EPISCOPALIANISMEpiscopalianism prop.n. The doctrines and practices of Episcopalians.
EPISCOPALIANISM n. the state of being episcopalian.
FIBRINOPEPTIDESfibrinopeptides n. Plural of fibrinopeptide.
FIBRINOPEPTIDE n. any of the vertebrate polypeptides that are cleaved from fibrinogen by thrombin during clot formation.
INOPPORTUNITIESINOPPORTUNITY n. the state of being inopportune.
MISAPPLICATIONSmisapplications n. Plural of misapplication.
MISAPPLICATION n. the act of misapplying.
MISAPPRECIATIONmisappreciation n. A failure to correctly and completely understand; an incorrect notion or belief that is a result of such a failure.
misappreciation n. (Dated) An observed failure to appreciate the proper worth of a person, an act or a thing.
MISAPPRECIATION n. a wrong appreciation.
MISWORSHIPPINGSMISWORSHIPPING n. worshipping in a false way.
PARTICIPATIONALparticipational adj. Of or pertaining to participation.
PARTICIPATIONAL adj. relating to participation.
PHILOSOPHISINGSphilosophisings n. Plural of philosophising.
PHILOSOPHISING n. the act of engaging in philosophy.
PHILOSOPHIZINGSphilosophizings n. Plural of philosophizing.
PHILOSOPHIZING n. the act of engaging in philosophy.
PRECIPITINOGENSprecipitinogens n. Plural of precipitinogen.
PRECIPITINOGEN n. an antigen that induces specific precipitin.
PREDISPOSITIONSpredispositions n. Plural of predisposition.
PREDISPOSITION n. an inclination.
PROPYLITIZATIONpropylitization n. (Geology) The alteration of minerals and ores at low temperature and pressure.
PROPYLITIZATION n. the process of propylitizing, also PROPYLITISATION.
SUPERIMPOSITIONsuperimposition n. The process, or the result of superimposing.
superimposition n. The placing of one image on top of another, especially placing a photograph over some other graphic.
superimposition n. (Philosophy) The building of ontological categories of a higher level on top of categories of a lower level.
UNDISAPPOINTINGundisappointing adj. Not disappointing.
UNDISAPPOINTING adj. not disappointing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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