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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing 2I, M, N, R, U and V

CIRCUMNAVIGATEcircumnavigate v. (Transitive) To travel completely around somewhere or something, especially by sail.
circumnavigate v. (Transitive) To circumvent or bypass.
circumnavigate v. (Intransitive, sailing) To sail around the world.
CIRCUMVENTIONScircumventions n. Plural of circumvention.
CIRCUMVENTION n. the act of circumventing.
CIRCUMVOLUTIONcircumvolution n. The act of revolution, rotation or gyration around an axis.
circumvolution n. Anything winding or sinuous.
CIRCUMVOLUTION n. anything winding or sinuous.
CONSTRUCTIVISMconstructivism n. (Art) A Russian movement in modern art characterized by the creation of nonrepresentational geometric…
constructivism n. (Mathematics) A philosophy that asserts the need to construct a mathematical object to prove it exists.
constructivism n. (Philosophy, psychology) A psychological epistemology which argues that humans generate knowledge and…
EVANGELIARIUMSEVANGELIARIUM n. (Latin) a book of passages from the Gospels to be used at Mass or other services, also EVANGELARIUM, EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARY.
IMMUNOREACTIVEimmunoreactive adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing an immune reaction.
immunoreactive n. Any substance that causes an immune reaction.
IMMUNOREACTIVE adj. reacting to particular antigens or haptens.
IMPERVIOUSNESSimperviousness n. The state of being impervious.
IMPERVIOUS n. not allowing entrance or passage, also IMPERVIABLE.
MICROEVOLUTIONmicroevolution n. Small-scale changes in the history of life, such as changes in allele frequencies in a population (over…
MICROEVOLUTION n. comparatively minor evolutionary change involving the accumulation of variations in populations usually below the species level.
UNIMPRESSIVELYunimpressively adv. In a unimpressive manner.
VENTRILOQUISMSventriloquisms n. Plural of ventriloquism.
VENTRILOQUISM n. the production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker, also VENTRILOQUY.
VERMICULATIONSvermiculations n. Plural of vermiculation.
VERMICULATION n. wormlike markings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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