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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2I, L, R, S, V and Y

CLAIRVOYANCIESCLAIRVOYANCY n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCE.
CONSTRICTIVELYconstrictively adv. Accompanied by constriction.
CONSTRICTIVE adv. serving to constrict.
DISAPPROVINGLYdisapprovingly adv. In a disapproving manner.
DISAPPROVING adv. passing unfavorable judgment on.
DISTRIBUTIVELYdistributively adv. In a distributive manner.
DISTRIBUTIVE adv. relating to distribution.
HYPERCIVILISEDhypercivilised adj. Alternative form of hypercivilized.
HYPERCIVILISED adj. excessively civilised, also HYPERCIVILIZED.
ILLUSTRATIVELYillustratively adv. In an illustrative manner.
ILLUSTRATIVE adv. serving to illustrate.
INEXPRESSIVELYinexpressively adv. Without expression.
INEXPRESSIVE adv. lacking expression or meaning.
INTRANSITIVELYintransitively adv. (Grammar) In an intransitive manner; without an object following.
INTRANSITIVE adv. not transitive.
INTROVERSIVELYintroversively adv. In an introversive manner.
INTROVERSIVE adv. related to introversion.
IRRESPECTIVELYirrespectively adv. Without regard to conditions; not taking circumstances into consideration.
IRRESPECTIVE adv. not having regard.
PRESCRIPTIVELYprescriptively adv. In a prescriptive manner.
PRESCRIPTIVE adv. serving to prescribe; (law) acquired through uninterrupted possession.
PRESERVABILITYpreservability n. The condition, or the extent, of being preservable.
PRESERVABILITY n. the state of being preservable.
PROSCRIPTIVELYproscriptively adv. In a proscriptive manner.
PROSCRIPTIVE adv. relating to proscription.
SERVICEABILITYserviceability n. The property of being serviceable, of being useful for some function.
serviceability n. The property of being able to be serviced.
serviceability n. (Australia, finance) The ability of an individual to make repayments on a loan.
TRANSMISSIVELYtransmissively adv. In a transmissive manner.
TRANSMISSIVE adv. relating to transmission.
UNIMPRESSIVELYunimpressively adv. In a unimpressive manner.
VAINGLORIOUSLYvaingloriously adv. In a vainglorious manner.
VAINGLORIOUS adv. marked by vainglory, excessive pride, esp. in one's achievements or abilities.
VITRESCIBILITYVITRESCIBILITY n. the state of being vitrescible, forming a viscous, glassy layer when subjected to heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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