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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 3I, O, S, U and Z

ANNUITIZATIONSannuitizations n. Plural of annuitization.
DISAUTHORIZINGdisauthorizing v. Present participle of disauthorize.
DISAUTHORIZE v. to deprive of authority, also DISAUTHORISE.
DISILLUSIONIZEdisillusionize v. (Transitive) To disillusion, disabuse, free from illusion.
DISILLUSIONIZE v. to free from illusion, also DISILLUSIONISE.
EXCURSIONIZINGexcursionizing v. Present participle of excursionize.
EXCURSIONIZE v. to go on an excursion, also EXCURSIONISE.
INSOLUBILIZINGinsolubilizing v. Present participle of insolubilize.
INSOLUBILIZE v. to make insoluble, also INSOLUBILISE.
LUTEINIZATIONSluteinizations n. Plural of luteinization.
LUTEINIZATION n. the process of stimulation to the ovary, whereby ovulation occurs and a corpus luteum is formed, also LUTEINISATION.
MISUTILIZATIONmisutilization n. Misuse.
MISUTILIZATION n. a wrong utilization, also MISUTILISATION.
MUSICALIZATIONmusicalization n. The act of musicalizing.
MUSICALIZATION n. the process of musicalizing, also MUSICALISATION.
PICTURIZATIONSpicturizations n. Plural of picturization.
PICTURIZATION n. the act of picturizing, also PICTURISATION.
REUTILIZATIONSreutilizations n. Plural of reutilization.
REUTILIZATION n. the process of reutilizing, also REUTILISATION.
RITUALIZATIONSritualizations n. Plural of ritualization.
RITUALIZATION n. the act of ritualizing, also RITUALISATION.
ROUTINIZATIONSroutinizations n. Plural of routinization.
ROUTINIZATION n. the act of routinizing, also ROUTINISATION.
SECURITIZATIONsecuritization n. (Commerce, finance) The fact or process of securitizing assets; the conversion of loans into securities…
securitization n. (Politics) The act of convincing a relevant audience to treat a topic as a matter of security (regardless…
SECURITIZATION n. the act of securitizing, also SECURITISATION.
SOLUBILIZATIONsolubilization n. The act of solubilizing something, of rendering it soluble.
SOLUBILIZATION n. the act of solubilizing, also SOLUBILISATION.
SOMNILOQUIZINGsomniloquizing v. Present participle of somniloquize.
SOMNILOQUIZE v. to talk in one's sleep, also SOMNILOQUISE.
SUBSIDIZATIONSsubsidizations n. Plural of subsidization.
SUBSIDIZATION n. the act of subsidizing, also SUBSIDISATION.
SUBTILIZATIONSsubtilizations n. Plural of subtilization.
SUBTILIZATION n. the act of subtilizing, also SUBTILISATION.
VISUALIZATIONSvisualizations n. Plural of visualization.
VISUALIZATION n. the formation of mental visual images, also VISUALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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