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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 14 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, 2P, 2S and U

DISPAUPERISEDdispauperised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dispauperise.
DISPAUPERISE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERIZE.
DISPAUPERISESdispauperises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispauperise.
DISPAUPERISE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERIZE.
DISPAUPERIZESdispauperizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispauperize.
DISPAUPERIZE v. to free from pauperdom, also DISPAUPERISE.
PERSPICACIOUSperspicacious adj. (Figuratively) Of acute discernment; having keen insight; mentally perceptive.
perspicacious adj. (Obsolete) Able to physically see clearly; quick-sighted; sharp-sighted.
PERSPICACIOUS adj. clear-minded; astute; perceptive.
PERSPICUITIESperspicuities n. Plural of perspicuity.
PERSPICUITY n. the state of being perspicuous, clear, easily understood.
SUBPRINCIPALSsubprincipals n. Plural of subprincipal.
SUBPRINCIPAL n. an assistant principal, as of a school.
SUPERIMPOSINGsuperimposing v. Present participle of superimpose.
superimposing n. Alternative form of superimposition.
SUPERIMPOSE v. to place or lay over or above something.
SUPERIORSHIPSsuperiorships n. Plural of superiorship.
SUPERIORSHIP n. the office of superior.
SUPERPOSITIONsuperposition n. The placing of one thing on top of another.
superposition n. (Geology) The deposition of one stratum over another; the principle that in a series of sedimentary…
superposition n. (Quantum mechanics) The situation in quantum mechanics where two or more quantum states are added together…
SUPERPRAISINGsuperpraising v. Present participle of superpraise.
SUPERPRAISE v. to give very high praise.
SUPPLICATIONSsupplications n. Plural of supplication.
SUPPLICATION n. an act of supplicating; an earnest or humble petition.
SUPPOSITIONALsuppositional adj. Relating to, or based on, supposition; hypothetical; conjectural.
SUPPOSITIONAL adj. having the nature of a supposition.
SUPPOSITIVELYsuppositively adv. In a suppositive manner.
SUPPOSITIVE adv. suppositional.
SUPPOSITORIESsuppositories n. Plural of suppository.
SUPPOSITORY n. a solid but readily meltable cone or cylinder of usually medicated material for insertion into a bodily passage or cavity, as the rectum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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