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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, N, P, T, U and Y

APPROPINQUITYappropinquity n. (Obsolete) nearness; propinquity.
APPROPINQUITY n. nearness.
APTITUDINALLYaptitudinally adv. In an aptitudinal manner.
APTITUDINAL adv. relating to aptitude.
CONSUMPTIVITYconsumptivity n. The quality or degree of being consumptive.
CONSUMPTIVITY n. the state of being consumptive.
IMPECUNIOSITYimpecuniosity n. The state of being impecunious; impecuniousness.
INCORRUPTIBLYincorruptibly adv. In an incorruptible manner.
INCORRUPTIBLE adv. incapable of corruption.
INCULPABILITYinculpability n. Lack of culpability; freedom from blame.
INCULPABILITY n. the quality of being inculpable.
INOPPORTUNITYinopportunity n. (Dated) Lack of opportunity; unseasonableness; inconvenience.
INOPPORTUNITY n. the state of being inopportune.
INSUSCEPTIBLYinsusceptibly adv. In an insusceptible manner.
INSUSCEPTIBLE adv. not susceptible, also INSUSCEPTIVE.
PENINSULARITYpeninsularity n. The state of being, or of inhabiting, a peninsula.
peninsularity n. Narrow provincialism.
PENINSULARITY n. the state of being peninsular.
PREUNIVERSITYpreuniversity adj. Prior to university.
PREUNIVERSITY adj. taking place before university.
PRUDENTIALITYprudentiality n. The quality or state of being prudential.
PRUDENTIALITY n. the state of being prudential.
PUNCTILIOUSLYpunctiliously adv. In a punctilious manner.
PUNCTILIOUS adv. extremely attentive to minute details of action or behavior.
PUNISHABILITYpunishability n. The characteristic of being punishable; the ability to be punished.
PUNISHABILITY n. the state of being punishable.
PURITANICALLYpuritanically adv. In a puritanical manner.
Puritanically adv. Alternative letter-case form of puritanically.
PURITANICAL adv. of or like a puritan, also PURITANIC.
PUSILLANIMITYpusillanimity n. The quality or state of being pusillanimous; the vice of being timid and cowardly, and thus not living…
PUSILLANIMITY n. cowardliness.
UNSPIRITUALLYunspiritually adv. In an unspiritual manner.
UNSPIRITUAL adv. not spiritual.
YUPPIFICATIONyuppification n. The act or process of yuppifying.
YUPPIFICATION n. the process of conversion into a yuppy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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