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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, 2N, 2P and R

IMPARIPINNATEimparipinnate adj. (Botany) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex.
IMPARIPINNATE adj. pinnate with the rachis terminated by a single leaflet or tendril.
INOPPORTUNITYinopportunity n. (Dated) Lack of opportunity; unseasonableness; inconvenience.
INOPPORTUNITY n. the state of being inopportune.
INTERCROPPINGintercropping v. Present participle of intercrop.
INTERCROP v. to plant a second crop between the rows of the first.
OPPIGNERATINGoppignerating v. Present participle of oppignerate.
OPPIGNERATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNORATE.
OPPIGNERATIONoppigneration n. Alternative form of oppignoration.
OPPIGNERATION n. the act or an instance of pawning or pledging, also OPPIGNORATION.
OPPIGNORATINGoppignorating v. Present participle of oppignorate.
OPPIGNORATE v. (obsolete) to pawn, also OPPIGNERATE.
OPPIGNORATIONoppignoration n. (Obsolete) The act of pawning or laying in pledge.
OPPIGNORATION n. the act of pawning, also OPPIGNERATION.
PEPPERONCINISSorry, definition not available.
PREAPPOINTINGpreappointing v. Present participle of preappoint.
PREAPPOINT v. to appoint previously, or beforehand.
PREPORTIONINGpreportioning v. Present participle of preportion.
preportioning n. The practice of dividing into portions before use.
pre-portioning v. Present participle of pre-portion.
PRINCIPALNESSprincipalness n. The quality of being principal.
PRINCIPALNESS n. the state of being principal.
PROPORTIONINGproportioning v. Present participle of proportion.
PROPORTIONING n. an adjustment of proportions.
ROUNDTRIPPINGroundtripping v. Present participle of roundtrip.
round-tripping v. Present participle of round-trip.
ROUNDTRIPPING n. a form of trading in which a company borrows a sum of money from one source and takes advantage of a short-term rise in interest rates to make a profit by lending it to another.
TRANSHIPPINGStranshippings n. Plural of transhipping.
TRANSHIPPING n. transfer from one ship to another.
TRANSSHIPPINGtransshipping v. Present participle of transship.
transshipping n. The transfer of goods from one vessel or conveyance to another for onward shipment.
trans-shipping v. Present participle of trans-ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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