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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 11 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, M, N, 2O and V

COMPROVINCIALcomprovincial adj. Being part of the same province.
comprovincial n. One who comes from the same province.
COMPROVINCIAL adj. belonging to the same province.
DEMOTIVATIONSDEMOTIVATION n. the act of demotivating.
EVOLUTIONISMSevolutionisms n. Plural of evolutionism.
EVOLUTIONISM n. belief in evolution.
GRAMINIVOROUSgraminivorous adj. (Entomology) That eats grasses and seeds.
GRAMINIVOROUS adj. feeding on grass or cereals.
IMPROVISATIONimprovisation n. The act or art of composing and making music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously.
improvisation n. That which is improvised; an impromptu.
improvisation n. Musical technique, characteristic of blues music.
OVERINFORMINGoverinforming v. Present participle of overinform.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
OVERPROMISINGoverpromising v. Present participle of overpromise.
OVERPROMISE v. to promise too much.
REMOTIVATIONSremotivations n. Plural of remotivation.
REMOTIVATION n. the act of remotivating.
REVOLUTIONISMrevolutionism n. The state of being in revolution.
revolutionism n. Revolutionary doctrines or principles.
REVOLUTIONISM n. belief in revolution.
VOCATIONALISMvocationalism n. An approach to education that seeks to equip learners with vocational skills for the workplace.
VOCATIONALISM n. emphasis on vocational training in education.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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