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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2I, L, P, 2R and U

INCORRUPTIBLEincorruptible adj. Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright.
incorruptible adj. Not subject to corruption or decay.
incorruptible n. (Christianity) A person whose body does not decompose after death, a sign of holiness.
INCORRUPTIBLYincorruptibly adv. In an incorruptible manner.
INCORRUPTIBLE adv. incapable of corruption.
INTERRUPTIBLEinterruptible adj. Able to be interrupted.
INTERRUPTIBLE adj. capable of being interrupted.
PARTICULARISEparticularise v. Non-Oxford spelling of particularize.
PARTICULARISE v. to state in detail, also PARTICULARIZE.
PARTICULARISMparticularism n. An exclusive focus on a particular area, group, sect, etc.
particularism n. (Christianity, Judaism, theology) The principle that only certain people are chosen by God for salvation.
particularism n. (Politics) The principle that individual states, races of a federation, etc., may act independently…
PARTICULARISTparticularist n. One who holds to particularism.
particularist adj. (Theology) Adhering to particularism.
particularist adj. Showing excessive devotion to one’s own region, nation, party etc.
PARTICULARITYparticularity n. (Countable).
particularity n. (Uncountable).
PARTICULARITY n. a minute detail.
PARTICULARIZEparticularize v. (Transitive) To make particular, as opposed to general; to restrict to a specific or individual case…
particularize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To be specific about (individual instances); to go into detail (about), to specify.
particularize v. (Intransitive) To differentiate, make distinct from others.
PERDURABILITYperdurability n. The state of being perdurable.
PERDURABILITY n. the state of being perdurable.
PREINDUSTRIALpreindustrial adj. Of or relating to the period before the Industrial Revolution and the global industrialisation that followed.
preindustrial adj. Not yet industrialized.
pre-industrial adj. Alternative spelling of preindustrial.
PROVENTRICULIproventriculi n. Plural of proventriculus.
PROVENTRICULUS n. the first part of a bird's stomach, aka gizzard.
REPTILIFEROUSreptiliferous adj. (Geology) Containing fossils of reptiles.
REPTILIFEROUS adj. of rock, bearing fossil reptiles.
SCRIPTURALISMscripturalism n. The quality or state of being scriptural; literal adherence to the Scriptures.
SCRIPTURALISM n. literal adherence to the Scriptures.
SCRIPTURALISTscripturalist n. One who adheres literally to the Scriptures.
scripturalist n. A student of the Scriptures.
SCRIPTURALIST n. a person who adheres to the letter of Scripture.
SPIRITUALISERspiritualiser n. Alternative form of spiritualizer.
SPIRITUALISER n. one who spiritualises, also SPIRITUALIZER.
SPIRITUALIZERspiritualizer n. One who spiritualizes.
SPIRITUALIZER n. one who spiritualises, also SPIRITUALISER.
STIRPICULTUREstirpiculture n. (Archaic) The breeding of special stocks or races; eugenics.
STIRPICULTURE n. selective breeding.
SUPERCRIMINALsupercriminal n. A very skilled or powerful criminal.
SUPERCRIMINAL n. an exceptional criminal.
SUPERCRITICALsupercritical adj. (Physics) Of a substance or system above a critical threshold or range.
SUPERCRITICAL adj. of a fluid, brought to a temperature and pressure higher than its critical temperature and pressure, so that its physical and chemical properties change.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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