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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing 3I, N, O and 2P

DISAPPOINTINGdisappointing adj. Causing disappointment.
disappointing v. Present participle of disappoint.
DISAPPOINT v. to fail to meet the expectation or hope of.
IMPROPRIATINGimpropriating v. Present participle of impropriate.
IMPROPRIATE v. to transfer ecclesiastical revenue to a layman.
IMPROPRIATIONimpropriation n. The act of impropriating; putting an ecclesiastical benefice or tithes in the hands of a layman, or lay corporation.
impropriation n. A benefice, tithe etc. that has been put in lay hands.
IMPROPRIATION n. the act of impropriating.
MICROCHIPPINGmicrochipping v. Present participle of microchip.
MICROCHIP v. to fit with a microchip.
OPPOSITIONISToppositionist n. A person who opposes; especially a member of an official opposition.
OPPOSITIONIST n. a member of an opposition.
PARTICIPATIONparticipation n. The act of participating, of taking part in something.
participation n. The state of being related to a larger whole.
participation n. The process during which individuals, groups and organizations are consulted about or have the opportunity…
PRECIPITATIONprecipitation n. (Meteorology) Any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the…
precipitation n. A hurried headlong fall.
precipitation n. (Countable, uncountable, chemistry) A reaction that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter…
PROPINQUITIESpropinquities n. Plural of propinquity.
PROPINQUITY n. nearness in space, time or relationship.
PROPITIATIONSpropitiations n. Plural of propitiation.
PROPITIATION n. the act of propitiating.
PROPYLITISINGPROPYLITISE v. to become or turn into propylite, also PROPYLITIZE.
PROPYLITIZINGPROPYLITIZE v. to become or turn into propylite, also PROPYLITISE.
YUPPIFICATIONyuppification n. The act or process of yuppifying.
YUPPIFICATION n. the process of conversion into a yuppy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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