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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing I, R, 3S, U and V

GRIEVOUSNESSgrievousness n. The quality or state of being grievous.
GRIEVOUSNESS n. the state of being grievous.
PERVIOUSNESSperviousness n. The quality or state of being pervious.
PERVIOUSNESS n. the state of being pervious.
PREVIOUSNESSpreviousness n. The quality of being previous.
PREVIOUSNESS n. the state of being previous.
SCURVINESSESSCURVINESS n. the state of being scurvy.
SUBSERVIENTSSUBSERVIENT n. one who is subservient.
SUPERMASSIVEsupermassive adj. Extremely massive; of extraordinary mass.
SUPERMASSIVE adj. extremely massive.
SUPERVISIONSsupervisions n. Plural of supervision.
SUPERVISION n. the act of supervising.
SURVIVALISMSsurvivalisms n. Plural of survivalism.
SURVIVALISM n. the practice of taking of measures to ensure personal survival.
SURVIVALISTSsurvivalists n. Plural of survivalist.
SURVIVALIST n. a person who advocates or practices survivalism.
UNSAVORINESSunsavoriness n. The state or condition of being unsavory.
UNSAVORINESS n. the state of being unsavory.
VASCULARISESvascularises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vascularise.
VASCULARISE v. to cause to become vascular, also VASCULARIZE.
VIGOROUSNESSvigorousness n. The quality of being vigorous.
VIGOROUSNESS n. the state of being vigorous.
VIRTUOUSNESSvirtuousness n. The state of being virtuous.
VIRTUOUSNESS n. the state of being virtuous.
VITREOUSNESSvitreousness n. The quality or state of being vitreous.
VITREOUSNESS n. the state of being vitreous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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