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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing I, M, 3O and 2R

CHROMOPHORICchromophoric adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to a chromophore.
chromophoric adj. (Biology) Coloured.
CHROMOPHORIC adj. of or like a chromophore, the group of atoms in a chemical compound responsible for its colour, also CHROMOPHOROUS.
MICROGROOVESmicrogrooves n. Plural of microgroove.
MICROGROOVE n. the fine groove of long-playing gramophone records.
MICROSPOROUSmicrosporous adj. Relating to microspores.
MICROSPOROUS adj. of or like a microspore, also MICROSPORIC.
MORPHOTROPICmorphotropic adj. (Crystallography) Of or pertaining to morphotropism.
morphotropic adj. Describing a phase transition due to a change in composition.
morphotropic adj. Describing the phase boundary between tetragonal and rhombohedral regions of a ferroelectric.
ORNITHOMORPHornithomorph n. A figure in ancient art resembling a bird.
ORNITHOMORPH n. a figure or design in the form of a bird.
ORTHODROMICSorthodromics n. Orthodromic navigation.
ORTHODROMICS n. the act or art of sailing on a great circle, also ORTHODROMY.
ORTHODROMIESORTHODROMY n. the act or art of sailing on a great circle, also ORTHODROMICS.
ORTHOMORPHICorthomorphic adj. (Cartography) conformal.
ORTHOMORPHIC adj. of a map projection, maintaining true shape over a small area and scale in every direction.
ORTHORHOMBICorthorhombic adj. (Crystallography) Having three unequal axes at right angles.
ORTHORHOMBIC adj. three mutually perpendicular axes of different lengths.
ORTHOTROPISMorthotropism n. The property of being orthotropic or orthotropous.
ORTHOTROPISM n. vertical growth.
PROMONTORIESpromontories n. Plural of promontory.
PROMONTORY n. a high point of land or rock projecting into a body of water.
PROTOMORPHICprotomorphic adj. (Biology) Having the most primitive character; in the earliest form.
PROTOMORPHIC adj. primordial; primitive.
SENSORIMOTORsensorimotor adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to both sensory and motor activity.
SENSORIMOTOR adj. of, relating to, or functioning in both sensory and motor aspects of bodily activity.
VISCEROMOTORvisceromotor adj. Relating to or controlling movement in the viscera, noting the sympathetic nerves innervating the viscera…
VISCEROMOTOR adj. relating to or controlling movements of the viscera.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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