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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing I, M, N, R, T and 2U

ANTITUMOURALantitumoural adj. Antitumour.
ANTITUMOURAL adj. preventing or acting against tumours, also ANTITUMOR, ANTITUMORAL, ANTITUMOUR.
CIRCUMFLUENTcircumfluent adj. Flowing round; surrounding in the manner of a fluid.
CIRCUMFLUENT adj. flowing round, also CIRCUMFLUOUS.
CIRCUMNUTATEcircumnutate v. (Botany) to bend in a direction that is continuously moving in a horizontal direction.
CIRCUMNUTATE v. to proceed with a spiral motion.
MISVENTUROUSmisventurous adj. (Obsolete) Subject to misventure; unfortunate.
misventurous adj. (Obsolete) Not adventurous; timid.
MISVENTUROUS adj. like a misventure.
MULTIANGULARmultiangular adj. Having or pertaining to more than one angle.
MULTIANGULAR adj. having many angles, also MULTANGULAR.
MULTICOUNTRYmulticountry adj. Spanning or encompassing many countries.
MULTINUCLEARmultinuclear adj. Having multiple nuclei; multinucleate.
MULTINUCLEAR adj. having many nuclei.
MURMURATIONSmurmurations n. Plural of murmuration.
MURMURATION n. murmuring.
OUTHUMOURINGouthumouring v. Present participle of outhumour.
OUTHUMOUR v. to surpass in humoring, also OUTHUMOR.
OUTMEASURINGoutmeasuring v. Present participle of outmeasure.
OUTMEASURE v. to exceed in measure or extent.
OUTNUMBERINGoutnumbering v. Present participle of outnumber.
OUTNUMBER v. to surpass in number.
RAMBUNCTIOUSrambunctious adj. (Chiefly US, informal) Boisterous, energetic, noisy, and difficult to control.
RAMBUNCTIOUS adj. marked by uncontrollable exuberance, unruly, also RUMBUNCTIOUS.
RUMBUNCTIOUSrumbunctious adj. Alternative spelling of rambunctious.
RUMBUNCTIOUS adj. boisterous, unruly, also RAMBUNCTIOUS.
SUBMINIATUREsubminiature adj. Compact or smaller than miniature.
subminiature adj. (Photography) of photography equipment and techniques using a smaller frame than 35mm.
subminiature n. Any item smaller than that considered miniature, especially electronic and electromechanical devices.
SURMOUNTINGSsurmountings n. Plural of surmounting.
SURMOUNTING n. the act of surmounting.
TRANSURANIUMtransuranium adj. Transuranic.
TRANSURANIUM adj. of an element, having an atomic number greater than that of uranium, also TRANSURANIAN.
UNGUENTARIUMunguentarium n. A small bottle used to store balms or scented oils.
UNGUENTARIUM n. a vessel for holding unguents.
UNIMPORTUNEDunimportuned adj. Not importuned.
UNIMPORTUNED adj. not importuned.
VOLUNTOURISMvoluntourism n. A type of tourism which combines traditional travel and tourism with volunteer work. Travelers are given…
VOLUNTOURISM n. tourism in which travellers do voluntary work to help communities or the environment in the places they are visiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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