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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing I, L, 2N, O, T and Z

ANALYZATIONSanalyzations n. Plural of analyzation.
BANALIZATIONbanalization n. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of banalisation.
BANALIZATION n. the act of making banal, also BANALISATION.
CANALIZATIONcanalization n. Alternative spelling of canalisation.
CANALIZATION n. the construction of canals, also CANALISATION.
COLONIZATIONcolonization n. The process of establishing a colony.
colonization n. (Social sciences) The process of colonizing or taking over.
COLONIZATION n. the act of colonizing, also COLONISATION.
FINALIZATIONfinalization n. Alternative form of finalisation.
FINALIZATION n. the act of finalising, also FINALISATION.
GLUTTONIZINGgluttonizing v. Present participle of gluttonize.
GLUTTONIZE v. to eat to excess, also GLUTTONISE.
LATINIZATIONlatinization n. (Nonstandard) Alternative letter-case form of Latinization.
Latinization n. The act or process of Latinizing, of making Latin.
LATINIZATION n. conversion into Latin, also LATINISATION.
LIONIZATIONSlionizations n. Plural of lionization.
LIONIZATION n. the act of lionizing, also LIONISATION.
MELANIZATIONmelanization n. (Biochemistry) Conversion into melanin, or an increase in the concentration of melanin within (a tissue or organism).
MELANIZATION n. darkening of the skin pigment, also MELANISATION.
MYLONITIZINGMYLONITIZE v. to turn into mylonite, a hard, streaky, often granular rock produced by crushing, also MYLONITISE.
NASALIZATIONnasalization n. (Phonetics, uncountable) the articulation of a vowel or continuant consonant in such a way that air…
nasalization n. (Countable) a particular instance of such change.
nasalization n. (Irish grammar) eclipsis.
NATIONALIZEDnationalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of nationalize.
NATIONALIZE v. to put an industry under state control, also NATIONALISE.
NATIONALIZERnationalizer n. One who, or that which, nationalizes.
NATIONALIZER n. one who nationalizes, also NATIONALISER.
NATIONALIZESnationalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nationalize.
NATIONALIZE v. to put an industry under state control, also NATIONALISE.
NEBULIZATIONnebulization n. The process of forming nebulae.
nebulization n. The conversion of a liquid to a fine spray.
NEBULIZATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULISATION.
NOVELIZATIONnovelization n. The writing of a novel based on fact; fictionalization.
novelization n. A text novel that is an adaptation of a story from a visual medium such as film.
NOVELIZATION n. the act of making into a novel, also NOVELISATION.
PENALIZATIONpenalization n. The act of punishing; punishment.
PENALIZATION n. the act of penalizing, also PENALISATION.
SALINIZATIONsalinization n. The act of salinizing, or the state of being salinized.
salinization n. The addition of salt or brine.
SALINIZATION n. the process of salinizing, also SALINISATION.
SOLONIZATIONSOLONIZATION n. the process by which a solonetz is formed, also SOLONISATION.
SPLENIZATIONsplenization n. (Medicine) A morbid state of the lung produced by inflammation, in which its tissue resembles that of the spleen.
SPLENIZATION n. conversion (e.g. of the lung) into a spongy, spleen-like substance, also SPLENISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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