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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing I, 2L, M, P, S and T

ALLOTROPISMSallotropisms n. Plural of allotropism.
ALLOTROPISM n. the state of an element existing in more than one form.
LAMPLIGHTERSlamplighters n. Plural of lamplighter.
LAMPLIGHTER n. one whose job it is to light lamps.
MULTIPLAYERSmultiplayers n. Plural of multiplayer.
MULTIPLAYER n. a multiplayer game.
MULTIPLEXERSmultiplexers n. Plural of multiplexer.
MULTIPLEXER n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXOR.
MULTIPLEXORSmultiplexors n. Plural of multiplexor.
MULTIPLEXOR n. a device enabling a computer to transmit data to many terminals by switching quickly from one user's data to another, also MULTIPLEXER.
PHILLUMENISTphillumenist n. A person who collects match-related items, like matchbox labels, matchboxes, matchbooks, or matchbook covers.
PHILLUMENIST n. a collector of matchbooks.
PLANETESIMALplanetesimal n. (Astronomy) Any of many small, solid astronomical objects that orbit a star and form protoplanets through…
planetesimal adj. (Astronomy) Being or relating to one of these astronomical objects.
PLANETESIMAL n. an asteroid or similar tiny celestial body.
POINTILLISMEPOINTILLISME n. a painting technique using separate dots of pure colour rather than blends, also POINTILLISM.
POINTILLISMSpointillisms n. Plural of pointillism.
POINTILLISM n. a painting technique using separate dots of pure colour rather than blends, also POINTILLISME.
POLYGLOTISMSpolyglotisms n. Plural of polyglotism.
POLYGLOTISM n. the use of many languages.
POLYGLOTTISMpolyglottism n. Alternative spelling of polyglotism.
POLYGLOTTISM n. the state of being polyglot.
POLYTONALISMPOLYTONALISM n. the state of being polytonal, having many keys.
SLUMPFLATIONslumpflation n. (Economics) Inflation accompanied by a slump in output and employment.
SLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
SUBMULTIPLESsubmultiples n. Plural of submultiple.
SUBMULTIPLE n. a quantity that divides into another exactly.
SUBOPTIMALLYsuboptimally adv. In a less than optimal manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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