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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2I, P, R and 3T

LITHOTRIPTERlithotripter n. (Surgery) A device used in lithotripsy.
LITHOTRIPTER n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
LITHOTRIPTIClithotriptic adj. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
lithotriptic n. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
LITHOTRIPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTHRYPTIC, LITHONTRIPTIC.
LITHOTRIPTORlithotriptor n. Alternative spelling of lithotripter.
LITHOTRIPTOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
MULTIPARTITEmultipartite adj. Divided into multiple parts.
multipartite adj. Involving multiple nations; multilateral.
multipartite adj. (Physics) Describing a system of three or more entangled quantum states.
PARTITIONISTpartitionist n. A political partisan who favours geopolitical partitioning.
partitionist n. (Canada, politics) A political partisan who favours the partition of the province of Quebec with the…
PARTITIONIST n. an advocate of political partition.
PERMITTIVITYpermittivity n. (Physics) A property of a dielectric medium that determines the forces that electric charges placed…
PERMITTIVITY n. the ratio of the electric displacement in a medium to the electric field intensity producing it.
PORTRAITISTSportraitists n. Plural of portraitist.
PORTRAITIST n. a maker of portraits.
PROSTITUTINGprostituting v. Present participle of prostitute.
PROSTITUTE v. to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse esp. for money.
PROSTITUTIONprostitution n. Engaging in sexual activity with another person for pay.
prostitution n. (By extension) Engaging in sexual activity with another person in exchange for goods (not necessarily…
prostitution n. (By extension) Debasement for profit or impure motives.
TRIPARTITELYtripartitely adv. In a tripartite fashion; into three parts.
TRIPARTITE adv. in three parts; between three parties or States.
TRIPARTITIONtripartition n. A division by threes, or into three parts; the taking of a third part of any number or quantity.
tripartition v. (Transitive) To partition into three.
TRIPARTITION n. division into three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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