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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2I, 3O and 2T

GNOTOBIOTICSgnotobiotics n. The science involved with maintaining a microbiologically controlled environment.
GNOTOBIOTICS n. the study of organisms living in germfree conditions or when inoculated with known microorganisms.
LOCOMOTIVITYlocomotivity n. The power of moving from one place to another; motility.
LOCOMOTIVITY n. the state of being locomotive.
MONOTONICITYmonotonicity n. (Mathematics, physics) The state of being monotonic.
monotonicity n. (Mathematical analysis) Said of a positive measure: the property of a positive measure of a measure…
MONOTONICITY n. the state of being monotonic.
MOTORISATIONmotorisation n. Alternative spelling of motorization.
MOTORISATION n. the act of motorising, also MOTORIZATION.
MOTORIZATIONmotorization n. The act of motorizing something.
MOTORIZATION n. the act of motorizing, also MOTORISATION.
OPISTHOTONICopisthotonic adj. Relating to opisthotonus.
OPISTHOTONIC adj. of or like opisthotonos, extreme arching backwards of the spine and neck as a result of spasm of the muscles in that region.
OVARIOTOMISTovariotomist n. (Surgery, now historical) Someone who performs a ovariotomy.
OVARIOTOMIST n. one who carries out ovariotomies.
POSTPOSITIONpostposition n. (Grammar) A word that has the same purpose as a preposition but comes after the noun.
postposition n. The act of placing after, or the state of being placed after.
POSTPOSITION n. the placing of a grammatical element after a word to which it is primarily related in a sentence.
ROBOTISATIONrobotisation n. Alternative spelling of robotization.
ROBOTISATION n. the act of causing a job to be done by robots, also ROBOTIZATION.
ROBOTIZATIONrobotization n. The automation of a system or process by use of robotic devices.
ROBOTIZATION n. the act of causing a job to be done by robots, also ROBOTISATION.
STORIOLOGISTstoriologist n. One who studies folk tales.
STORIOLOGIST n. a folklorist.
TOXICOLOGISTtoxicologist n. A scientist or physician who specializes in toxicology.
TOXICOLOGIST n. an expert in toxicology.
TROPHOBIOTICtrophobiotic adj. Of or pertaining to trophobiosis.
TROPHOBIOTIC adj. relating to trophobiosis, mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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